Jesus Over Gangs

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Both Sonny and I where involved with gangs differently. We met the first time when my grandma was staying at Mom’s house. He delivered oxygen to our home for her. From then on we started talking to each other and getting to know each other. He even lived with us for part of the year to get some things back in his life. So we have known each other for a while.

Sonny has grown up living in a environment where he has always been close to gangs. He was there to always protect his family members and if anybody threatens any member who is family Sonny was quick on his feet and he could take out just anybody who threatened him. The Lord has been working in his life to get away from that type of environment and still let him remember how gang members think. After his involvement with gang like environments, he became an avid Hunter and he enjoyed being out away from people hunting. During this time he had some relationship problems and maybe was spending too much time hunting away from people. It seems sometimes in our life that we make wrong choices that can break us. Sonny was one of those who went to a level that he became broken. He was fly fishing one day and praying “God please use me in a Ministry that nobody wants”.

God took him up on his challenge and he took him to Denver and said, “Go witness to those gangs.”

One of the things that I Love About Sonny’s story is the fact that God uses imperfect people to do amazing feats that only God can do if he’s involved in your life. He’s not looking for perfection he is looking for action. But before God can use us we have to have a heart change. Once that happens God will do amazing things in our lives.

From then on he started his gang Ministry under the direction of God. In order to reach these gang members God sometimes reveals to the people in the gang their names. By addressing them with their given name they pause and stop to think “How do you know that?”. This pause opens avenues for Sonny to speak to them. Other times God uses food to get the gang members to stop and open up. This allows Sonny to be able to talk to these people while he’s got their attention. Sonny has been pushed and knocked on the ground. Even told me about his poor Bible that the gang members will grab and throw it across the room. He said this Bible’s been smashed against the wall eight or nine times but God even protected it. No Pages ever fell out of it. Lately, Sonny has been losing many bibles because he likes the large letter Print. So do the gang leaders.  They’ll say “Man, I’ve never had a Bible before.” They’ll take his Bible and throw it inside of their car.  I  believe they’re actually planning on reading it.  I praise the Lord for that.

He’s also had a few close stabbings. He has seen many guns being pointed at him. Some of actually tried to shoot him but their guns just click.

My story is different. I grew up in the 70s and there was a revival going on in our school. I was infatuated with the “Cross and the Switchblade” and even went to see the movie. I was excited on how God was working with gangs in New York and how dangerous it was for David Wilkerson doing God’s work. As I got older, I kind of forgot about this and God’s work in Ministry with gangs. God did not forget my passion and he let me know what Sonny was up to. I was totally amazed that the gang members we’re coming to Jesus and their parents were totally for it. I expected, because kids sometimes rebel against their parents, that they would upset them to the point where they would not want them back. But with God he can soften anyone’s heart to the point where they forget about the past and just love on their kids today. I myself felt with this good as the economy is today that no one’s ever going to want God again. It seems when we are totally blessed that we have a tendency to forget about God and Jesus. But I found out through Sonny’s gang Ministry that this is not true. These kids are being touched by the Holy Spirit and their hearts are being softened. I firmly believe this is the start of the Revival that God is going to send before Jesus comes back. Our youth are going to be the ones who are going to experience it first. Thank you for that Lord for letting me know that I was wrong.

I am trying to document the fascinating things that God does in this ministry. He uses a lot of creativity in reaching gang members. It is an extremely dangerous Ministry but when God has his hand on it Sonny will always have protection when he obeys God’s command.