Stranded Cowboys

God sent me on a mission right after work today I’ll send you what happened.

God told me to make 14 sandwich’s 🥪 with mustard and mayo and to take a bag of carrots. I asked God, “A bag of Carrots! 🥕 are you sure? Maybe you mean a package of cookies.” 🍪

God said, “Sonny, stop and do what I tell you.”

I said, “OK”

God said, “Go north.” I headed north and I kept asking God where am I taking all these sandwiches 🥪 and Carrots. 🥕

God said, “Just keep going. You’ll see a pickup with 7 young cowboys and 7 horses. “

I eventually located their vehicle. They were about 40 Miles from Cheyenne, broke down.

I stopped and climbed out of my pickup. I said, “God told me to get some sandwiches and carrots and drive north. He revealed you to me as I was getting close. Now I know that the carrots are for the horses. ” I passed the sandwiches out to the cowboys.

I asked them, “Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. ” Four of them said that they loved the Lord but their friends didn’t. I asked them, “Do you wanted to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?” Because they witnessed a miracle of God sending me with the sandwich’s and carrots for their horses, the three that didn’t know Christ accepted Jesus Christ along side the road. Then four pickups stopped. It was all the parents of the boys. The young cowboys all told their parents what God told me to do and that the other three cowboys accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God is so Faithful.