Multi City Mission trips

Good morning Brother I want to tell you what’s going on. God is sending me on three mission trips this summer. One to New York, New Jersey, and Dallas Texas. Two of them have been taken care of financially, New York and Dallas Texas. The 3rd one, New Jersey, I still need 500 dollars.&& If there’s anything you can help with it would be a blessing. Thank you for your prayers.

Last night our Lord and Savior was amazing. God told me to stand against a building with my Bible and people would come to me for prayer. 17 people came to me for prayer and four gave their hearts to Christ. God is so Faithful Brother it was so much fun to see the healing God brought to them God gets all the Glory.

I just got home. After I ate supper with my sisters, God told me to drive east and I would find a white car with two girls and a flat tire. They need help. I headed east and found the girls. I told them what God said.

They said, “We were praying that God would send someone to help us.” They started to cry because God answered their prayer by quickly sending someone in their hour of need.

For those who want to know about the $500, I was asked to New York back into the Bronx’s then to Chicago. Both of these trips have been paid for. God told me get 26 crosses in Chicago. While I was going to Chicago, I was thinking about the New Jersey trip. I started to pray and asking God to provide. Two of the plane tickets were taken care of but I was short for the New Jersey trip. I needed money for the food for the gangs, Bibles and the crosses. People from my church helped with the ticket and people from Rez church in Loveland also supported me. I was still $175 dollars short for New Jersey.

When I arrived at the Chicago airport, a total stranger walked up to me and gave me a envelope and a small box. He said, “Be blessed Sonny. Keep your eyes on God’s Kingdom. Open the box and envelope after I have left.”

When I could not see him anymore, I opened the envelope which contained $175.00 dollars. Then I opened the box which contained the 26 crosses God said I am to distribute. God is Faithful! My King gets the Victory.