Gang Leader Fransisco

I was told there’s two Gangs in Denver from California. One gang has 10 members and the other has 14 members. I am suppose to bring them milk & cookies. I praise God for you. Please pray for me. I’m taking God’s Kingdom to them.

God’s mighty hand and his legions of Angels protected me. Both gangs came towards me. As they surrounded me, one of the Leaders, whose name was Francisco, took out his knife and was walking around me.

Fransisco said, “Does this scare you?” Who do you think you are coming to us with a bible.”

I said, “My name is Sonny. I was sent to you to tell you how much my King loves all of you and that you have a purpose in this world. All of you aren’t lost anymore but have been found. God wants to bring healing to all your hearts.”

I read John 3:16,17 to them. Francisco told all of them to hit me but none of them moved. Marty, the other Gang leader asked, “Your God wants to bring healing to my heart.”

I said, “Yes, your blaming God because your Mom died. Your Mom is in God’s kingdom because she loved God.”

Then I said, “Who wants to accept Jesus in your hearts and make him your Lord and Savior. This is the last time you will ever see me. Who wants your name written in the book of life.”

The youngest one walked to me and said, “I want my name written in the Book of life. I used to go to church when I was younger.”

Then four more came forward and accepted Jesus Christ. I gave them all Bibles and my ministry cards. Francisco said, “I’m not going to need it.” but he took the Bible.

God is so Faithful. I took out the cookies and milk and told them that I will be praying for them, be there for them and send them scriptures. Of the five that gave their hearts to Christ, one of them has an Aunt and Uncle that live in Denver. I took them to their home and told them what God did. They started to cry and the rest called their parents. The parents are taking them back home. My King gets all the Glory and Victory.