Gang Leader Antonio

Going to Denver 2 new Gangs have arrived.

There was 27 Latinos in this Gang. My informers told me there are 2 Gangs but there is only one. They all had the same hair cut. They looked mean. I asked God what do you want me to say to them.

God said, “Take cookies and milk to them. Serve them and pray out loud to them and read Jeremiah 29:11 to them. Then ask them if they wanted their names written in the Book of Life.”

The leaders name was Antonio. He asked, “What’s your name.”

I said, “My name is Sonny.”

Antonio said, “Who sent you.”

I said, “My Lord and Savior. His name is Jesus Christ. He wants to transform your hearts. All you have to do is ask Jesus to forgive all your sins and ask him to come into your hearts. Jesus Christ will forgive you and forget everything you have done. He will give you a new purpose in this World to live for Jesus Christ.”

Antonio said, “He won’t forgive me. What’s your last words before I shoot you man?”

I said, “I forgive you and love you like Jesus Christ has loved me and forgiven me.”

The pistol clicked and clicked but it wouldn’t work.

I said, “My King Jesus Christ won’t let it work because he sent me to you so you can give your heart to him.”

They started to get in their cars except 12. They threw their pistols in the cars and stayed with me. I took them to the airport and they called their families. The 12 gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. the Families payed for their tickets to go home. They took them all back. My King gets all the Victory. Thank you for praying for me.