Facing Opposition Head On

I’m about to pray for nine guys that have been looking for me because they haven’t liked me witnessing to Gangs. I have been praying about it and God said, “Go to them and pray for for them.” Please pray for their hearts. Love you guys.

I parked in front of the building. As I walked to the front door, two guys came out. One of them asked, “Who are you and what do you want?”

I said, “Just take me to your leader. I have a message for all of you.”

He said, “What’s the message?”

I said, “I only want to say it once. Take me to your leader.”

He asked, “Who sent you here?”

I said, “My King brought me here.”

He said, “So you came by yourself.”

I said, “No, I didn’t. God’s kingdom came with me.”

He asked, “What’s in the bags?”

I said, “Gifts for all of you.”

He said, “I’ll take you to him.”

When the elevator doors opened, the leader asked, “Who are you?”

I said, “My name is Sonny. I am the one you have been looking for. I bring a gift to all of you.”

He asked, “What is it?”

I said, “Jesus Christ he’s my Lord and Savior. Jesus wants to bring healing to all your hearts and transform your hearts so God can use you in this world. All you have to do is ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ into your hearts. Jesus Christ will forgive you.”

He asked, “How can Jesus forgive me for everything I have done?”

I said, “Not only will Jesus forgive you, but Jesus will forget it.”

Then I asked, “Do you want your names written in the book of life? God Loves all of you. That’s why God sent me here to tell you that you have a purpose in this world.”

The Leader stood up and came over to me and asked, “Is it that easy?”

I said, “Yes, Jesus Christ wants your hearts.”

The leader said, “I want a new life and a new purpose in this world.”

Eight others came and gave their hearts to Christ. At one point of their lives they all had gone to church. I opened the Bible to John 3:16,17 and started reading. I also turned to Matthew 6:33. After I finished reading, I gave all of them Bibles and my ministry cards. The leader said, “You also brought cookies and milk.

I said, “The Bible brings new life to your hearts. The cookies and milk bring smiles to your faces. Now call your families and tell them you have accepted Jesus Christ.”

My King gets the Victory and all the Glory. Thank you for all your prayers.

Detroit Gang

Last night I witnessed to a gang from Detroit. Thank you for your prayers. I pulled up and parked next to their cars. God said, “Serve them.” I took them Pizza and Cookies.

I said, “Which one of you is the leader.”

He stepped forward then Jacob stepped between us. I said, “Are all of you hungry because I brought food.” I put out the Pizzas and the cookies and water.

Justin said, “What are you doing?”

I said, “God said that you guys were hungry.

Justin I know why all of you came to Colorado. You came on this Journey because God wants to change your destiny.”

Justin said, “How do you know my name.”

I said, “Your names were given to my Sister from God. She also gave me Justina and Jacob his right hand man because you 3 have been called out by God.”

I showed him Kari’s text which contained information about Justin that was revealed by the Holy Spirit. Justin said, “That’s true, God can never forgive me for this.”

Justina came up because she wanted to see what Kari text said. She started to cry and hugged Justin. Justin said, “Can God really forgive me for everything?

I said,”Yes, when you ask for forgiveness and ask him to come into your heart. God will forgive you and forget everything you have done and God will write your name in the book of life.”

Justina said, “I want God in my heart.”

Justin told the gang members that had guns on me to put them away. Jacob said, “What does this mean?”

Justin said, “I’m giving my life back to God. I’m tired of living this way.”

I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come over here.” No one else came forward but Justin and Justina. As they were asking Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and to come into their hearts, I noticed that his gang all came forward and stood behind Justin and Justina when we were done praying. I told Justin to look behind him. Justin said, “Did all of pray for Jesus to forgive you and come into your hearts.”

They said, “Yes, we will follow you anywhere.”

Justin said, “I’m following Jesus Christ and all of you are free to go back to your families.”

Then Justin asked, “Justina will you marry me.” Justina said, “Yes”. Then they asked me hundred of questions. After finishing the Q/A, they ate as I read the Bible to them. God gets the Glory and the Victory. They headed back to Detroit this morning. God is so Faithful.

Fathers Day

I was witnessing to Gangs in Denver last night. Four gave their hearts to Christ. They called their parents and they all took them back. All the parents got together at one home. But before I arrived there I took them to get cards for their dads for Father’s Day. When we arrived at the house. The parents all came running out crying and hugging the kids. Two of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. It was beautiful to see.

This morning I was witnessing to a gang in Denver. One of them gave his heart to Christ. I took him to his family. His family took him back. They haven’t seen him for 2 years. The dad and mom and his 2 Sisters couldn’t stop crying. His dad said, “Today was the best Father’s Day ever.” My King gets the Victory. God is so Faithful. Going back to witness to more Gangs.

Rescue Undercover Cop’s Jessica?

This what happened last night. I was in Denver praying with the undercover Police. One of the undercover Police had a daughter in a gang in Denver. He wanted her back home. We all prayed for a miracle. God told one of my prayer warriors that Jessica was on Colfax. She gave me an address. When I arrived there, God showed me Jessica. She was standing on 1743 West Colfax. She was with 2 guys. One was named Rockefeller and the other guy had a shirt Rockstar. As I neared her I called out her name. Jessica get in the truck. She got in and started to cry. The 2 guys pulled out their pistols as we were driving off. Jessica said, “Who are you and how did you know my name?”

I showed her my prayer warriors text with her location where she could be found. Jessica said, That’s crazy. Who are you? Where are you taking me.”

I said, “Your mom and dad want you home.”

She called her dad and he started crying. I took her home. Jessica gave her heart to Christ. Her parents are Christians. My King gets the Victory. Thank you for your prayers.

Texas Gang in Denver

Thank you for your prayers. Out of 15 Gang Members from Texas 4 gave their hearts to Christ. When I walked up to them the leader said, “Are you a preacher?”

I said, “Yes, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wants to bring healing to your hearts. All you have to do is to ask him to forgive all your sins and ask him to come into your hearts. You will have a new purpose in this world.”

One of them hit my ribs but God protected me. I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life, follow me.”

I walked away. Four gave their weapons to the leader and came with me. God is so Faithful. They then gave their hearts to Christ. I gave them Bibles and took them to one of the boys uncle and aunt house in Denver. They aunt and uncle cried when they saw him. The parents are taking them all back. God gets all the Victory and Glory. ✝️