Rescue Undercover Cop’s Jessica?

This what happened last night. I was in Denver praying with the undercover Police. One of the undercover Police had a daughter in a gang in Denver. He wanted her back home. We all prayed for a miracle. God told one of my prayer warriors that Jessica was on Colfax. She gave me an address. When I arrived there, God showed me Jessica. She was standing on 1743 West Colfax. She was with 2 guys. One was named Rockefeller and the other guy had a shirt Rockstar. As I neared her I called out her name. Jessica get in the truck. She got in and started to cry. The 2 guys pulled out their pistols as we were driving off. Jessica said, “Who are you and how did you know my name?”

I showed her my prayer warriors text with her location where she could be found. Jessica said, That’s crazy. Who are you? Where are you taking me.”

I said, “Your mom and dad want you home.”

She called her dad and he started crying. I took her home. Jessica gave her heart to Christ. Her parents are Christians. My King gets the Victory. Thank you for your prayers.