Colorado Springs Gang

First of all thank you for praying for me and the girls that I rescued last night. All of you are a blessing to me. When I arrived at their home in Colorado Springs, seven girls came out running. The girl’s names are Lori, Jessica, Joanna, Crystal, Linda, Theresa and Chantelle. A young man Jerome was helping them with the bags. They all climbed in my pickup except Jerome.

I asked him, “Do you want to know about God’s Kingdom?”

Jerome said, “Yes”. He also decided to join us. We drove off. They all started to cry because they couldn’t believe that someone would come and take them away from there. I prayed out loud for all of them. Jerome asked, “Are the cookies and sub sandwiches for us?”

I said, “Yes and none of the sandwiches have mustard on them.”

All of them said, “We hate mustard!”

Jerome asked me, “I want to ask God into my heart. Can God really forgive me for everything I have done?”

I said, “Yes, God will and God will forget it.”

They all asked God to forgive them of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts. When we arrived at the home in Denver where all their families were waiting for them, they cried and told their parents that they gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all their chips on their cell phones so no one could call them. I gave them all Bibles and prayed with them and their families. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Victory. I got home at 9pm.