City of Chicago

Hi Brother thank you for praying for me.

Last Wednesday I was in Chicago. The undercover Police took me to a building to pray for the undercover police. They were having a meeting in the city. There was over 150 attending. God said to pray for them and to read Isaiah 41:10. I then shared what God has been doing in my life and how God protects me from danger. Some of them started to cry. I asked them, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of life come to the front. 77 came up and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God gets all the Glory. God is Faithful.

Wednesday night I was taken to the Gang that God called “Lions”. There was 15 gang members and 11 girls when I saw them. God started showing me their brokenness. As I got closer to them all of them took their pistols out and told me, “What’s your last words because you made a mistake coming here.”

I said, “Jesus Christ loves you and I forgive you and love you just like Jesus Christ has loved me and forgiven me. Before you shoot me, let me pray for all of you.”

After I was done praying, God said to start walking through them to where all the girls were. None of the gang members moved. It was like God froze them. God told me to take crosses so I could give them to the gang members and the girls. As I was walking by the gang members, I was praying for them and anointing them with oil on their foreheads and putting the crosses around their necks. God said to go and touch the girl’s hands. They got up and followed me. All 11 Girls came with me as we were walking by the gang members. Again, none of them moved.

God said, “Walk away from them.”

I took all the girls to a safe place. I prayed with them and anointed them with oil on their foreheads, put crosses around their necks and read John 3:16 ,17 to them.

I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?”

All accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Later, all the parents came for them. There was a lot of crying. I prayed for all the parents and seven of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. The rest of the parents were already Christians. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. God is Faithful.