New York City

God was incredible in New York City. When I arrived at the airport last Friday, 17 ex-gang members were there waiting for me. These ex-gang members were part of a gang that I witnessed to last year in the Bronx. We hugged and prayed together. The Holy Spirit was all over them. It was beautiful to see Marciano ask me “What has God showed you about how we are reaching the 2 Gangs in the Bronx.”

I said, “We are taking God’s Kingdom to them on Saturday at noon. God has shown me that we need to prepare a meal before our enemies. We need 5 tables, 45 chairs for people to sit. For food get fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits, coleslaw and 12 pies. Supply bottled water for drink.”

When we arrived at the Bronx, we started by praying for today’s event. While we were setting up the tables and chairts, two gangs kept driving by. After we were done setting up, we asked them to stop and eat with us. They parked their cars and walked back to our location. We asked them to sit down and eat with us. I asked Marciano to pray for our meal. Both Gangs kept looking at Marciano. The prayer was so anointed that both gangs were silent while watching and listening to Marciano pray. Marciano’s prayer was softening their hearts. As we were eating, they started to talk about the Yankees and that there was a new Gang trying to come to the Bronx. The 17 young men kept sharing with those around them what God has been doing in their life’s.

Then Marciano said, “I want to introduce the man that led us to the Lord. His name is Sonny.”

I said, “Hi”.

A gang leader who is called “Victor” said, “Your the one that brought the big light to the Bronx that night.”

I said, “Yes, that light you saw was Jesus Christ. He loves all of you and wants to bring healing to all your hearts. All you have to do is to ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your hearts. Jesus Christ will forgive you and forget all your sins. Jesus Christ will transform your hearts. God said to prepare a meal before our enemies so we come to bring Salvation and peace and a new purpose for your lives in this world. Jesus Christ loves all of you. Jesus Christ wants to transform your hearts so he can use you in this world to bring Salvation and healing to those around you.”

Victor stood up and the other Gang leader stood up. His name was Apollo. He asked, “Is it that easy to ask Jesus Christ to forgive everything I have done and he will forgive me.”

I said, “Yes, Jesus Christ will forgive you and forget everything you have done.”

Apollo said, “I don’t know if I’m ready for this. It’s time for us to go.”

Victor and his boys stood up and said, “We are leaving too.”

Marciano said, “Before you guys leave let me pray for all of you.”

Marciano prayed, “Father God thank you for your Love for us and thank you for bringing us together to eat a meal and talk about all the amazing things you’re doing in our lives. Protect us and provide for us and help us to be a light in this world for those around us. We ask this in Jesus Christ Holy Name. Amen”.

It was so beautiful. They all stood there and listened to this beautiful prayer. They all said good bye and drove off in their cars. I gathered the young men and we prayed for the miracle God did in bringing those young men to eat with us and that we were able to share Christ with them.