New Jersey Gang

Thank you for praying for me and the hearts of the 2 Gangs that I was sent to witness to here in New Jersey. They have been fighting with each other for 3 years. They hurt everyone that comes close to their area. God said,”Take my Kingdom to their hearts. Walk between both Gangs and read John 3:16-17 out loud to them.”

The leader on the left side said, “You are not walking away from here because I’m going to shoot you.” God said to me, “Pray for all of them out loud. Then you will ask those of you that want your names written in the Lambs book of life to follow me. Immediately walk away from there and do not to look back. Five will be following you and will give their hearts to Christ.”

When I was 7 blocks away, I turned around. Both gangs were just standing there looking at us. We continued on until we found a safe place. The five called their parents. They came quickly and hugged them and loved them. They gave their hearts to Christ and four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. The other ones are already Christians. My King gets the Victory. God is Faithful.