Encounter with Lions

I’m among the Lions gang pray for their hearts.

Thank you for your prayers Brother. Last night I was among gang called Lions. This Gang wears New York Yankees baseball caps. They all were carrying little clubs that look like baseball bats. They kept walking around me. God told me to ask them if they wanted their names written in the book of life.

The leader said, “Is your name Sonny?”

I said, “Yes”

The leader said, “You bring Pizza to the Gangs around here and you read the Bible to them.”

I said, “That’s true because God has a different purpose for all of you. God wants to bring healing to your hearts. God wants to use all of you for his Kingdom. If you ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ into your hearts, Jesus will forgive you of all your sins and your names will be written in the Book of life. God has a ministry for all of you.”

The Leader asked, “What’s our ministry.”

I said, “God wants all of you to get all the lost boys in Denver and tell them about Jesus Christ and what Jesus has done for you. Then you are to teach them how to play baseball. “

The Leader said, “I want to ask Jesus to forgive me of my sins.”

All 12 gave their hearts to Christ. All their parents came for them today. They all told their parents that they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ and about the ministry God has for them. We all went to a house in Aurora and stayed up all night talking about Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Victory. I just got home. God is so Faithful.