Gang from San Jose, California

Yesterday, I witnessed to a gang from San Jose, California. Thank you for your prayers. I pulled up and parked next to their cars. God said, “Serve them.”. I took out the doughnuts and milk I purchased earlier.

I said, “Are any of you hungry? Because I brought breakfast.” I laid out the doughnuts, milk and Orange juice.

The Leader asked, “What are you doing?”

I said, “God told me that you guys are hungry. I know why all of you came to Colorado you came because God brought you here. God wants to bring healing to your hearts.”

The leader asked, “How do you know I need healing in my heart?”

I said, “Because that’s what God showed me.”

The leader asked, “Can God really forgive me for everything?”

I said, “Yes, when you ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart, God will forgive you and forget everything you have done. God will write your names in the book of life.”

One of the girls asked, “I want God in my heart.”

The leader, who’s name is Leo, told the ones that had guns on me to put them away. Francisco said, “What does this mean?”

Leo said, “I’m giving my life back to God. I’m tired of living this way.”

I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come over to me.”

The whole gang came over as they were asking Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and to come into their hearts. When we were done praying, they began asking many questions. Then they proceded to call their parents and tell them that they have given their hearts to Christ. The parents are welcoming back their sons and daughters. As we sat down to eat, I read the Bible to them. After finishing reading the lesson, I gave Bibles to all of them. God gets the Glory and the Victory. They headed back to California in the morning. God is so Faithful.