Rescue 5 Girls Out of Denver Gang

I am witnessing on the streets and going to rescuing 5 Girls out of a Gang at 11:30pm. Please pray for their hearts.

Last night I went to Denver to rescue 5 girls out of a gang. I arrived at the house where they were staying at 11:50 pm. Five girls came out and climbed into my pickup. As I was driving away, they started to hug each other and started to cry. While driving to Colorado Springs to the house where all their families were, I asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of life. They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I arrived at the home where the families were staying, the parents came running crying and hugging their daughters and hugging me. I told their parents that their daughters had given their hearts to Jesus Christ. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all the chips from the Girls cell phones so the gang can’t call them. I stayed there all night sharing the word of God with them and praying with them. My King gets the Victory and Glory. I just got home. I’ll be at church.

More cops and a Texas gang

Please pray for me. I’m praying for the undercover police tonight and then witnessing to a gang from Texas.

Thank you for your prayers. Last night our King gets the Victory. Out of 12 Gang Members 4 gave their hearts to Christ. When I walked up to them. The Leader said, “You must be a preacher.”

I said, “I come to tell you that Jesus Christ loves all of you. God wants all your hearts. My King wants to transform your hearts. God has a purpose and a ministry for all of you to reach the lost in this world. Just ask God to forgive all your sins and to come into and cleanse your hearts. You will have a new purpose in this world.”

One of them hit my ribs on the right side with a club but God healed me. My ribs didn’t break. Then I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life follow me.”

Four came and stood in front of me. God is so Faithful. They gave their hearts to Christ. They called their parents who are taking them back home. God gets all the Victory and Glory.

5 Undercover Police gave their hearts to Christ. God is Faithful. My King gets the Victory.

Praying for Undercover Cops

I went to Denver to meet with 10 undercover Police that were waiting for me. Three of them didn’t know the Lord. I read JOHN 3:16-17 to them and asked the three if they wanted their names written in the book of life.

They said, “Yes, Jesus Christ forgive us of all our sins. Jesus come into our hearts.” God gets the Glory.

Gang from Pueblo

Thank you for your prayers. There was 15 in this gang from Pueblo. I read John 3:16-17 to them. Then I asked the gang who wanted to have their names written in the Lambs book of life. Three of them walked up to me and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They were Brothers. They grew up in church and haven’t seen their parents for 2 years. God is Faithful. Their parents are coming to get them and bring them home. God gets the Victory.

Rescue at a Party

Hi Brother I’m in Denver. I’m about to rescue 2 girls & 3 guys out of a gang in about 30 minutes please pray.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Last night I pulled up where I was to make the rescue. There was a lot of cars parked in the area. There was a big party going on. I was told to park about half a block away from the house. There was a lot of teenagers everywhere; but they were just walking around. As soon as I parked, one of the guys called me and told me they were on their way to where my vehicle was parked. When they got in they started to cry.

They were so excited to be going home to their families. I stopped at a parking lot and prayed with them and asked them if they wanted to ask Christ in their hearts. They all prayed that Jesus Christ would forgive them of all their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. When we got to one of the girls’ home, all their parents were there waiting for them to come home. As soon as the parents saw them, they started crying and hugged each other. I had the opportunity to pray with all of them. I told their parents that they gave their hearts to Christ. Then I asked the parents if they wanted to accept Christ. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. God is so Faithful. My King gets the Victory.