Rescue at a Party

Hi Brother I’m in Denver. I’m about to rescue 2 girls & 3 guys out of a gang in about 30 minutes please pray.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Last night I pulled up where I was to make the rescue. There was a lot of cars parked in the area. There was a big party going on. I was told to park about half a block away from the house. There was a lot of teenagers everywhere; but they were just walking around. As soon as I parked, one of the guys called me and told me they were on their way to where my vehicle was parked. When they got in they started to cry.

They were so excited to be going home to their families. I stopped at a parking lot and prayed with them and asked them if they wanted to ask Christ in their hearts. They all prayed that Jesus Christ would forgive them of all their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. When we got to one of the girls’ home, all their parents were there waiting for them to come home. As soon as the parents saw them, they started crying and hugged each other. I had the opportunity to pray with all of them. I told their parents that they gave their hearts to Christ. Then I asked the parents if they wanted to accept Christ. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. God is so Faithful. My King gets the Victory.