More cops and a Texas gang

Please pray for me. I’m praying for the undercover police tonight and then witnessing to a gang from Texas.

Thank you for your prayers. Last night our King gets the Victory. Out of 12 Gang Members 4 gave their hearts to Christ. When I walked up to them. The Leader said, “You must be a preacher.”

I said, “I come to tell you that Jesus Christ loves all of you. God wants all your hearts. My King wants to transform your hearts. God has a purpose and a ministry for all of you to reach the lost in this world. Just ask God to forgive all your sins and to come into and cleanse your hearts. You will have a new purpose in this world.”

One of them hit my ribs on the right side with a club but God healed me. My ribs didn’t break. Then I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life follow me.”

Four came and stood in front of me. God is so Faithful. They gave their hearts to Christ. They called their parents who are taking them back home. God gets all the Victory and Glory.

5 Undercover Police gave their hearts to Christ. God is Faithful. My King gets the Victory.