Rescue 5 Girls Out of Denver Gang

I am witnessing on the streets and going to rescuing 5 Girls out of a Gang at 11:30pm. Please pray for their hearts.

Last night I went to Denver to rescue 5 girls out of a gang. I arrived at the house where they were staying at 11:50 pm. Five girls came out and climbed into my pickup. As I was driving away, they started to hug each other and started to cry. While driving to Colorado Springs to the house where all their families were, I asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of life. They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I arrived at the home where the families were staying, the parents came running crying and hugging their daughters and hugging me. I told their parents that their daughters had given their hearts to Jesus Christ. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all the chips from the Girls cell phones so the gang can’t call them. I stayed there all night sharing the word of God with them and praying with them. My King gets the Victory and Glory. I just got home. I’ll be at church.