Chicago Gang Looking for Me

Thank you for your prayers. I was told by my informers from Denver that there was a gang from Chicago looking for me. This was the gang that God called “Lions”. This was the Gang that I witnessed to in Chicago last summer. Their Leader wasn’t with them because he walked away from the gang a few days after I left Chicago.

They came here to look for me because they had some questions going through their minds asking themselves, “Why did our pistols not work when we pointed them at Sonny? Also how come we couldn’t move when Sonny was praying over us and putting crosses around our necks?”

After sharing their thoughts, I told them, “My King gets all the Victory. God protects me and wants to show you that he is real.”

The new Leader said, “When you put crosses on us and we couldn’t move while you were praying for us. This had a definite impact on us. We came to Colorado to find you and to ask you if you would pray for us because we want to know the God you know. You are the only one that had gotten that close to us and walk away alive.”

I said, “The Victory belongs to my king.”

The Leader asked, “Can God really forgive me of all my sins?”

I said, “Yes, but first you have to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you and ask him to come into your hearts.”

All 15 gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets the Victory. They all called their parents who are taking them back home. God is so Faithful. I told them that their names are written in the book of life. God told me to take 15 crosses and 15 Bibles

The leader said, “We already have crosses.”

I said, “God showed me that there’s a gang that you guys know in Chicago. There are 14 in that gang. God wants you to go and tell them that Jesus Christ loves them and give them the crosses and Bibles.”

The leader asked. “What’s the extra cross and Bible for?”

I said, “It is for your Leader that walked away. Go and find him and tell him Jesus Christ loves him.”

They all thanked me and said, “You came to Chicago to tell us about Jesus Christ! We wanted to come to you and say thank you for reaching out to us.”

My King gets the Victory. I spent all night with them sharing the word of God and telling them how much Jesus Loves them. I got to talk with all their parents on the phone. They couldn’t stop crying. God is so Faithful! I just got home before morning.