Colorado Springs Dad Asks for Daughters Rescue

I’m going to Denver Tonight. There’s a gang that comes from Colorado Springs to downtown Denver every Friday night. I was told that in this Gang there’s a girl by the name Mikayla. Her Dad and Mom have asked me to go to this Gang and try to get her out. I’m going Friday night and be there before 7 p.m. God said, “When you see her call out her name and she will make eye contact with you. She will come with you.”

God showed me there’s going to be a lot of shooting. That’s all God has shown me so please pray.

Thank you for praying. God is Faithful. When I arrived at the place where I had to park in downtown Denver, I was approached by one of my informers. He said, “They are about a block away heading North.”

I was 1/2 of block from the street they were on. God said, ” Go to the street corner and wait for them to walk by you.”

There was 2 girls, Jennifer and Jessica, walking with Mikayla. They were in the very back of the gang. After the gang walked by the 3 girls were right in front of me. Two blocks away firecrackers went off. It sounded like gunfire. The gang kept walking on by. The 3 Girls stopped directly in front of me. I said, “Mikayla”

She looked right at me and made eye contact. She said, “Sonny”

I said, “Come with me Mikayla.”

Mikayla asked, “Can my friends come with us?”

I said, “Yes let’s go.”

I told them, “God said not to look back; just keep walking toward my pickup.”

When we drove away, Mikayla asked, “What was that bright light on you?”

I said, “God’s Angels are protecting us.”

I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the book of life?”

They said, “Yes”. They repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I asked them, “If they wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit?”

They said, “Yes”. They couldn’t stop crying. All 3 Girls went to church when they were younger. They new about being filled with the Holy Spirit. When we got to Mikayla’s parents home they couldn’t stop crying. Mikayla asked her parents to forgive her. Her parents asked her to forgive them. The other Girls called their parents in Colorado Springs who all wanted their Girls to come home. I got to pray with Mikayla’s parents. They wouldn’t stop hugging each other. Mikayla’s parents are taking the other girls back to their parents homes. Later my informers called me and told me that when the fireworks were going off the gang kept walking they never looked back to see if the girls were behind them. We walked away unseen. My King gets the Victory.