Rescuing 3 Girls While Gang Watched

I’m about to walk up to 11 guys that are surrounding 3 girls. After I met with the undercover police, God took me to downtown Denver. God told me to turn right and go 2 blocks and that I would see 3 girls surrounded by a lot of guys. When I saw them, I stopped and got out of my pickup with my Bible and walked towards them. One of the guys said, “Are you lost? What do you want.”

I said, “My King sent me here to rescue these girls.”

The same guy said, “Who’s your King?”

I said, “Jesus Christ. Girls get into my pickup.”

The girls immediately jumped into my pickup. All 11 guys started to walk towards me. The one that was doing all the talking said, “You made a big mistake coming here.”

I said, “You stand there aiming pistols at me. I come in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.” I then aimed the Bible towards their hearts. They all took off running down the alley.

God said, “Take the Girls away.”

When I got in my pickup and drove away, the Girls were crying. They said, “You saved our lives when you lifted up your Bible at them and they took off running.”

I said, “It was my King Jesus Christ. He gets the Victory. He saved us.”

The Girls called their parents and they came for them. I got to pray with all of them. Two of the parents were Christians and 2 of the Girls were Christians. One Girl and her parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I got to go to one of their homes where all of us met. I prayed with all of them and shared the word of God with them. My King gets the Victory and the Glory.