Sonic Hotdogs

I love the way God works. Last night God took me to go to the the South side of Denver. There I would see 15 young men and to bring them 30 hotdogs from Sonic. I showed up with the hotdogs and got out of my pickup. They asked me, “What do you want and what’s up with the Bible. Are you here to preach to us.”

I said, “God brought me here. He told me to bring you 30 hotdogs from Sonic with sour cream and onion potato chips and water.”

They all started laughing and said, “We were just talking about hotdogs from Sonic and we wished we had some.”

I said, “God heard your hearts asking for hotdogs so God sent me to get the hotdogs. He also wanted me to tell you that God loves all of you and to tell you that he has a new purpose for your life.”

I read John 3:16-17 to them after they ate the hotdogs. I then asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of Life. Four of them gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I just got to see it. God is Faithful.