Pueblo Gang in Denver

Thank you for your prayers. God said, “Buy Christmas Cookies and Milk and take them to Denver.” I found my undercover friends. I was told by the undercover police that there was a gang from Pueblo hanging out in downtown Denver.

When I located them God said, “Walk up to them and serve the cookies and milk. Then tell them that Jesus Christ loves them and tell them why Jesus Christ came to this world.” After I shared what God told me, they just stared at me. Then the leader said, “So, if I ask God to forgive me of all my sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I will see his kingdom.”

I said, “Yes you will. Those of you that want your names written in the book of life stand on my right side.”

When the leader came and stood by me, six more came with him. The others got into their cars and drove away. Seven gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I met all their families. Five of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. I just got home from Pueblo. God is Faithful!