Business man

God said to put on a suit and look like a business man. When I was walking to the front of the building, there was 6 men standing in front of the building. The doors opened. 2 men asked if we were there to see the fashion show. All of them said yes as we walked in. The 2 men escorted us to a big room where there were 14 men. To my left there was a table that had 5 men sitting there with 3 men standing behind them. I could hear the men around me talking about what the women were going to be wearing.

A woman stepped out on to the stage and asked that we keep our attention to the front. When she asked the women to come out unto the stage, God said to go and pray with the 5 men at the table. When I got to the front of the table, two of their body guards came and stopped me.

One asked,”What do you want?”

I said, “I’m here to talk to your bosses.”

One of them turned around and said to his bosses, “This man wants to talk to all of you.”

They motioned me to step forward, thanking me for being there. They asked, “How can we help you?”

I said, “I was sent by God to say those of you that want your names written in the book of life to come with me. God is calling out your names.”

Then God told me to walk away. As I was walking away God said, “Don’t look back.”

I could hear one of the men say, “Where are you guys going?”

I kept walking then I heard the woman on the stage say, “Where are you ladies going?”

God said to keep walking. As I got to the doors where the two men were standing, God said, “Hold up my Bible to them.” They opened the doors and let us walk by. Then the front doors opened as I was walking to my pickup. Four young women and two men came with me. The young women were crying and the 2 men said thank you for coming for us. When they got in my pickup the two men asked the young women if they would forgive them for everything. The ladies didn’t say anything. They were crying.

When I got to a safe place I asked them,”Do you wanted to ask Jesus Christ into your hearts?”

They all said,”Yes.” Then they asked Jesus Christ for forgiveness of all their sins then they asked Jesus Christ into their hearts. The young women told the 2 men they forgive them. There was a lot of crying and healing that went on. The 2 men called their families and told them what they just did. I dropped the men at a place where their families were waiting for them they hugged me and thanked me.

I told them, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.”

The young women we’re calling their parents to meet at one house. As I was taking the ladies to a house where all their parents were the Ladies said, “Something kept telling us to go with you so we looked at each other and said is that Sonny and 1 of them said yes that’s him let’s go with him.”

They hugged me and cried and kept thanking me for coming there for them. As I pulled up to the house, the parents came out running to my pickup. They were hugging each other and asking their parents to forgive them and the parents were asking them to forgive them. Two of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. It was Beautiful to see the young women and their parents come together.

They kept thanking me. I told them, “It was because of my King that I was there and that my King gets all the Glory and the Victory.” ✝️