Correctional Facility Visit

I was asked to go and speak to 75 young men that have been in a correction facility for a year on Monday. They get to go back to their families. Last night they escorted me to the back of the stage. As I was standing on the stage behind really big curtains, I was praying and asking God to open their hearts tonight. There was a Lady by the name Katherine that was thanking all the parents for being there to honor their sons for an amazing year their sons have accomplished.

Then Katherine said, “We have invited someone to come and speak. He ministers to gangs all over the United States. His name is Sonny.”

The curtains opened as they were clapping. 17 young men stood up. Katherine came over and hugged me. Katherine asked me to pray.

I said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. This ministry belongs to my King. His name is Jesus Christ.”

Then I told them how proud I was of all of them for all they have accomplished. I followed up reading Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the Kingdom of God.”

I said,”Seek God’s heart you will find it by spending time in his word daily.”

Then I read Proverbs 3:5-8. I told them to trust in the Lord with all their hearts and the Lord will direct their paths. Yhen I read Jeremiah 29:11 for God knows the plans he has for you then God said, “Ask those of you that want your names written in the book of life to come to the front.” After asking the question, they started coming to the front. Charm’s song came on the speakers. All 75 young men and their parents came to the front and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts.

It was beautiful. I couldn’t stop crying. Some of the parents were born again Christians. Then the 17 young men came to me. I recognized them. They were part of the gangs in Denver. They hugged me and thanked me for coming.

Then they asked me, “Can you forgive us for the times we hit and pushed you around.”

I said, “I forgive you and love you. Like my King has forgiven me and loved me. My King Jesus Christ gets all the Glory and the Victory.”