Witnessing to a Drug Dealer

I am witnessing to a drug dealer. When I walked up to the drug dealer he asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “My King brought me here to tell you that he knows you and wants to change your life.”

He said, “Who’s your king?”

I said, “Jesus Christ”

I asked him, “Do you want your name written in the book of life. All you have to do is to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and Jesus Christ will forgive you and your name will be written in the book of life.”

He asked, “Is it that easy?”

I said, “Yes, you have to walk away from this Life and step into your Destiny with Jesus Christ.”

He dropped the black bag in a dumpster. Then he gave his heart to Christ. Afterwords called his parents and told them what he just did. I followed him to his parents home. They came out running and hugged him while crying a lot. They hugged me.

I told them my King gets all the Glory and the Victory because I was told to go to him and tell him that Jesus Christ loves him and a purpose for him. I just got home thank you so much for your prayers.

Amigo rescued 3 young men out of a Gang when I got to a safe place. I prayed with them and asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of life. All 3 excepted Christ and 2 of their parents gave their hearts to Christ. God is so faithful. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!