Praying for hearts

Last night I pulled up to something. There was a lot of cars there. I parked about half a block away as I was waiting. I began praying for their hearts and that God would protect them.

I could see 2 Guys and 3 Girls walking to my pickup. They got in my truck and I left immediately.

One of the girls said, “I can’t wait to see my parents.” They started to cry. They thanked me for coming for them.

I told them, “You guys have a new purpose in this world.”

When we were on the West end of Denver I pulled over and prayed with them.

I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the book of life?”

They said, “Yes”

I said, “You have to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus to come into your hearts.”

They all prayed that Jesus would forgive them of all their sins and asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts all of them started to cry again and kept thanking me for coming for them. When I pulled up to one of the girls home, they jumped out and started running to the house. The parents came out hugging and crying the girls. They started asking their parents to forgive them and that they love them and missed them. The parents were asking them to forgive them and how much they missed them.

God is Faithful. They told their parents that they asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. I got to pray with all of them I asked their parents if they wanted their names written in the book of life. Two of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I just got home. God is so Faithful my King gets the Glory and the Victory.