Rescue Mission

Last night I went to Denver to rescue two young ladies and three young men out of a gang. When I got to the house, they came out with their bags and threw them in the bed of the pickup. We left hastily. The girls started to cry. I began to pray out loud for them. When I was done praying, they thanked me for coming for them.

They said, “You are so brave.”

I said, “Thank you, but it’s God that makes me brave.” The girls started to cry again. They thanked me again for coming for them and praying for them.

I asked, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life. All you have to do is to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and t to come into your hearts.”

After they accepted Christ, they asked, “Does Jesus Christ really forgive us of everything?”

I said, “Yes, Jesus will forgive you and forget all your sins.”

When we arrived at the home where their families were waiting for them, they cried and told their parents that they gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all their chips on their cell phones so they gang members couldn’t call them. I gave them Bibles and prayed with them and their families. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Victory. I got home at 3:45 this morning. God is Faithful!

Face off with 2 gangs

Two Gangs were going to face each other. God said, “Go and park your pickup between them and give them 40 McDonald’s hamburgers.”

I stopped by a Thornton MacDonald and ordered the 40 hamburgers. The manager asked, “Are you going to have a party?”

I said, “No sir. I am bringing them to a couple of gangs in Denver.”

The manager asked, “Are you going to witness about Jesus to them?”

I said, “Yes, that is correct.”

The manager said, “In that case, I will pay for the hamburgers. Would you let me and my staff pray for you?”

The manager and 3 employees came out and surrounded my pickup. They laid hands on the pickup and prayed for my safety and success in my witness. I left the McDonalds and headed to the gangs location. They got mad when I parked between them.

I got out of my pickup and said, “Are you guys hungry? I brought hamburgers.”

They aimed their pistols at me until they saw the hamburgers. As they started to eat, I read the Bible to them. Three gave their hearts to Christ while the rest of them drove away. I brought them back to their parents. It was a blessing because 2 of parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!!

I’m still in Denver. Keep praying Brother. God is showing me a man on a over pass. I’m supposed to stop him from jumping.

I saw Joshua standing on the overpass. His wife was on the west side of the overpass just standing there. I walked by her and said, “I’m here to pray with Joshua.”

I called him by name. I said, “Joshua, God loves you.”

He asked me, “How do you know my name?”

I said, “My King told my sister Kari your name. Then God told her husband Kevin that you are on 104th. God showed me that you were standing on this overpass. God has a purpose for you. Joshua, do you want your name written in the book of life? All you have to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart. You can start over.”

Joshau said, “God sent you here for me.”

I said, “Yes, God sent Jesus Christ here to save the world because God loves us so much.”

Joshua said, “Can God really forgive me?”

I said, “Yes”

Joshua said, “I want to give my heart to Christ.”

His wife was listening to everything I said to Joshua. She started crying. She also accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. My king gets the Victory.

5 Undercover Officers Accept Christ

I was asked by an undercover Police officer if I could go to Denver tonight and pray with him and 4 others because they wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I was getting 5 Bibles to take with me, God said, “Take 7 bibles.”

When I arrived at the house where they were waiting for me, there was a lot of cars. 3 of the undercover Police came out to thank me for coming over. They hugged me and said tonight we want our names written in the book of life. God is so Faithful! When I walked into the house, their families hugged me. I had 7 Bibles with me. The 5 undercover Police stepped to the center of the living room.

Thay said, “Ok Sonny we are ready to accept Jesus Christ.”

They asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and to come into their hearts. They started to cry and their families hugging them and were also crying. The young lady undercover police officer’s parents came forward and said “We are Sarah’s parents. We want to except Jesus Christ.”

God knew that there was 7 that night who would give their hearts to Christ. Their names are now written in the book of life tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!!

Rescue 2 Girls Out of a Gang

Last night I went to Denver rescue 2 girls out of a gang. When I got to the house, the girls came out with their bags. They threw them in the bed of the pickup and we took off. Both girls started to cry. I started to pray out loud for them. When I was done praying, they thanked me for coming for them. They said “You are so brave.”

I said “Thank you, but it is God that makes me brave.” The girls started to cry again. They thanked me again for coming for them and praying for them.

I asked them, “If you want their names written in the Lambs book of life. All you have to do is to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your hearts.”

After they accepted Christ, they asked me “Does Jesus Christ really forgive us of everything?”

I said, “Yes, Jesus will forgive you and forget all your sins.”

When we got to the house where their families were waiting for them, they cried and told their parents that they gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all their chips on their cell phones so they gang members cannot call them. I gave them Bibles and prayed with them and their families. 2 of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Victory!! I got home at 2:45 this morning God is Faithful.

Please pray for me going to Denver to pray for 5 undercover Police they want me there they want to except Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior I get to meet their families God is Faithful .

Lions Gang

I was surrounded by Lions 🙏🏽 when I walked up to them. THey surrounded me. the Leader said,”What’s up Sonny? What does God say now.”

I said, “God has a purpose for all of you. God wants your hearts and wants to bring healing to all of you.”

One of them said, “Can God really forgive me of everything I have done.”

I said, “Yes, when you ask for forgiveness for all your sins God will forgive you and forget your sins.”

Two of them gave their hearts to Christ and their parents took them back. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. ✝️

Rescue Girls out of a Denver Gang

I had to leave early Sunday morning. I was called to rescue some girls out of a gang in Denver. I arrived at the Mall where they were. 11:30 p.m. 3 girls and 4 guys came out and they got in my pickup.

As I was driving to the house where all their families were I asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of life and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I got to the house where the families were, I shared Jesus Christ to the parents and 4 of the parents gave their hearts to Christ.

I have been witnessing to this Gang for 5 months and some of them decided to get out and go back to their families. My King gets all the Victory and Glory I Praise God for all of you that prayed for us. 🙏🏽

6:30 pm God asks me to be in Denver to rescue a lady at 8pm

Thank you for your prayers ???? I got off of work today and God said to go and pray for some College Students in Ft Collins so I found the College Students down old town there was 4 standing and visiting and God said that’s them pray for them I prayed for their hearts and their future and their families and for them to make the right choices in Life and in College.

This next story shows why God not only wants us to have a relationship with him but also with people.

After I prayed with them I headed home and was thinking of relaxing. At approximately 6:30 pm God said “Go to Denver. You need to be in down town Denver by 8 pm where all the tall buildings are.” God then revealed to me the street where I was supposed to park and wait for a young Lady named Grace nearly half a block from the light.

God said “Grace is going to run away from an Organization that she is working for. When the car stops at the light, Grace will get out and start running towards me. You will call out her name before she gets to my pickup and tell her that my name is Sonny and that I am there to help you to get away. They will turn that car around and come after her.”

Then God said to me, “Call your friends, they will close the streets behind her so they cannot come after her.”

I thought to myself that I would never get anyone to do this in time. I decided to trust God by listening to his word and called my undercover Police friends and told them what God said.

They said “Things are dead in Denver. Nothings going on down here and were excited to part of Gods plan.”

This was the first time that I have asked them to help me out on the streets. I then told them that God said to get her a club subway sandwich with no onions but to put extra mayo and tomatoes on the side and sea salt and vinegar potato chips. My friends wanted to add more stuff to the sandwich or get some cookies to add. But I told them that what God specified was enough. God knows our needs better than anyone. Lets not challenge his commands.

My friends were excited to help us so we could get away right at 8 pm. Here comes the black car and the light ahead of me turned red. I saw Grace get out of the car and started to run right towards me. Before she got to my pickup, I called her by name. I said “Grace my name is Sonny. God sent me here to help you get away from them. Trust me Grace.”

Grace jumped into my pickup. I turned my pickup around and took off. The black car could not follow us because my friends pulled up right behind them. When Grace started to run right towards me, the car took off and tried to turn around but all the streets were blocked. Grace was crying and asking me how I knew her name. I told her that God told me about you and that your name is Grace and that you were running away from an Organization and that you needed help. So he sent me to show you that God is real and that God loves you and has a plan for you. She could not stop crying. I told her about how God has sent people into my life to help me to be able to go after the lost and the broken hearted.

I asked her, “Do yuo want your name written in the book of life”.

Grace said, “Yes, I have been running from God for a long time. Now I want to run to him and give my heart to God.”

The undercover cops then pulled me over. Grace said “What is going on?”

I said, “They are here to help us and they have your sub sandwich with extra mayo and tomatoes and no onions.”

She said, “Oh my goodness.”

I was told by God that you do not like onions. She hugged me and said “This is a miracle. I praise God for all of you.”

I took Grace to her family and they came out running. They cried and seemed to hug forever. They then hugged me and said “Thank you so much for rescuing our daughter.” Grace told them everything. What God did for her and that God asked me to come to Denver to rescue her. God is Faithful. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.



The undercover officers moved in and the people in the car were arrested. The driver of the car is quitting this line of work. Who knows maybe Jesus is tugging at his heart now.

The day is still not over

Hi Brother I went to buy Groceries at Walmart and my card was denied I thought I had enough for the Groceries I had to get I had to use your card to get Groceries as soon as I get paid I’ll pay you back for what I spent on Groceries today I hope that was ok