5 Undercover Officers Accept Christ

I was asked by an undercover Police officer if I could go to Denver tonight and pray with him and 4 others because they wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I was getting 5 Bibles to take with me, God said, “Take 7 bibles.”

When I arrived at the house where they were waiting for me, there was a lot of cars. 3 of the undercover Police came out to thank me for coming over. They hugged me and said tonight we want our names written in the book of life. God is so Faithful! When I walked into the house, their families hugged me. I had 7 Bibles with me. The 5 undercover Police stepped to the center of the living room.

Thay said, “Ok Sonny we are ready to accept Jesus Christ.”

They asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and to come into their hearts. They started to cry and their families hugging them and were also crying. The young lady undercover police officer’s parents came forward and said “We are Sarah’s parents. We want to except Jesus Christ.”

God knew that there was 7 that night who would give their hearts to Christ. Their names are now written in the book of life tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!!