Face off with 2 gangs

Two Gangs were going to face each other. God said, “Go and park your pickup between them and give them 40 McDonald’s hamburgers.”

I stopped by a Thornton MacDonald and ordered the 40 hamburgers. The manager asked, “Are you going to have a party?”

I said, “No sir. I am bringing them to a couple of gangs in Denver.”

The manager asked, “Are you going to witness about Jesus to them?”

I said, “Yes, that is correct.”

The manager said, “In that case, I will pay for the hamburgers. Would you let me and my staff pray for you?”

The manager and 3 employees came out and surrounded my pickup. They laid hands on the pickup and prayed for my safety and success in my witness. I left the McDonalds and headed to the gangs location. They got mad when I parked between them.

I got out of my pickup and said, “Are you guys hungry? I brought hamburgers.”

They aimed their pistols at me until they saw the hamburgers. As they started to eat, I read the Bible to them. Three gave their hearts to Christ while the rest of them drove away. I brought them back to their parents. It was a blessing because 2 of parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!!

I’m still in Denver. Keep praying Brother. God is showing me a man on a over pass. I’m supposed to stop him from jumping.

I saw Joshua standing on the overpass. His wife was on the west side of the overpass just standing there. I walked by her and said, “I’m here to pray with Joshua.”

I called him by name. I said, “Joshua, God loves you.”

He asked me, “How do you know my name?”

I said, “My King told my sister Kari your name. Then God told her husband Kevin that you are on 104th. God showed me that you were standing on this overpass. God has a purpose for you. Joshua, do you want your name written in the book of life? All you have to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart. You can start over.”

Joshau said, “God sent you here for me.”

I said, “Yes, God sent Jesus Christ here to save the world because God loves us so much.”

Joshua said, “Can God really forgive me?”

I said, “Yes”

Joshua said, “I want to give my heart to Christ.”

His wife was listening to everything I said to Joshua. She started crying. She also accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. My king gets the Victory.