Correction Facility Revisit

I was driving to the Correction Facility. I was asked if I could speak again to the prisoners. God said, “There are families there waiting for you to pray with them. Read Matthew 6:33 to them.”

When I got to the Correction Facility, I was greeted by the security officers. The first thing they asked, “Sonny, can you pray for us and our families?”

I said, “I would love to pray with you. ”

They took me to a room where their families were waiting for us. There were over 50 people in the room. The security officers invited their families to come to get prayed for. When they told their families, this is Sonny who ministers to gangs all over the United States. They clapped for me.

I said, “The Glory and Victory belongs to my king Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.” They clapped even louder. I read Matthew 6:33 to them. After I finished, I told them, “If you want to hear God’s voice, then seek first for his Kingdom in his word. It’s there for you. You will begin to hear his voice and his heart for the lost and the broken hearted.”

I then asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come to the front.”

All of them came to the front. Some accepted Jesus Christ and some rededicate their hearts to Jesus Christ. They hugged me and thanked me for praying for them. It was beautiful to see my King Jesus Christ at work. He gets all the Glory and the Victory. I was taken to the stage to speak to the young men. I prayed for all of them. God wanted me to also read Matthew 6:33 to them also. After I finished reading to them, 17 young men came to the front from the Correction Facility and gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Lori Asks for Rescue

Thursday night I received call from Lori. She is a young lady that belonged to a gang in Commerce City near Denver. Lori asked me if I could come Friday night and get her and her friend Megan out of the gang they belonged to.

I said, “Yes, I will come and get you at that time.”

Lori said, “I know what you drive. I’ll be looking for your truck. Can you come at midnight?”

I said, “Yes”

When I arrived at the home where Lori and Megan lived, there were a lot of cars parked there. Lori told me to drive to the end of the block on the east side of the house and they would be waiting for me. God said to be there at 11:45 p.m. because it was snowing. I arrived on God’s schedule. They saw me and came towards my pickup.

Lori said, “You are early.”

I said, “God didn’t want you to stand out here for 15 minutes in the cold.”

They started to cry and they thanked me for coming for them. I asked them, “Are you girls hungry?”

They said, “Yes”

I told them that God told me to pick up two Big Mac meals at Mc Donald’s. They both said, “That’s are favorite.”

I said, “That’s exactly what God said.”

They started laughing. They said, “That’s so awesome!”

As they we’re eating I told them that Jesus Christ loves you girls and has a purpose for them. I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the book of life?

They said, “Yes. Thank you for always coming and telling us about Jesus Christ. The first time I saw you, you were praying for all of us even though you were being hit. You didn’t stop praying until you were done. I knew yout were the real deal.”

I said, “It’s because of my King Jesus Christ.”

They both gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I arrived at the home where the families were waiting for the girls, their parents came running out the house. They were crying and hugging them. They asked me to come in their home. I shared Jesus Christ wirh their families. Three of the parents and five of their family members gave their hearts to Christ. The rest of them were already Christians. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I got home after 5 a.m. this morning. God is Faithful.

California Latinos Come to Denver

Saturday night God me that their was a gang of Latinos from California and they would like some Oreo cookies and milk. As I pulled up, they surrounded my pickup. They asked me, “What do you want?”

I said, “I brought Oreo cookies and milk for you guys.”

They started to laugh at me. I set the cups and started to pour milk into them and opened the bag of cookies. The leader was the first one to get cookies and a cup of milk. He said, “Oreo cookies are my favorite.”

As they were eating, I gave them my ministry cards. I read John 3:16 -17 to them. The Leader said, “John 3:16 was my grandma favorite verse.” He received a call on his cell phone. He said, “It’s time for us to go.”

They got into their cars and drove away. God said, “Sonny, you will see them again. The seeds have been planted.” God is Faithful!

New Bible From Undercover Police

Friday night I went to Denver to read the Bible to the Undercover Police. I was back behind the stage asking God what I should talk to them about. In the next room I heard some of the undercover cops secretly praying for me. They asked God to give me wisdom as I spoke tonight. I read Psalms 121- 1,2 and I also prayed for the Undercover Police. Three gave their hearts to Christ and several came up for prayer. A group of undercover cops came up to me and said, “Sonny, we have a gift for you.”

I asked, “What is it?”

They said, “Open it and find out.”

I picked up the box. It felt heavy as I moved it around my hands. I set it down and started to open it. Inside the box was another box. I lifted out the box and opened it. Inside was a brand new Bible. The undercover cops knew about the one Bible I had that was taken from me by a gang leader. Praise the Lord! He appears to be reading it. I thanked them for the greatly appreciated Bible and left for my next mission.

At 11:30pm I went to rescue one girl out of a gang. When I got to her house, Sarah came out and climbed into my pickup. She started crying. Sarah said, “Thank you for coming for me.”

I asked her,”Would you like your name written in the Lambs book of life? All you have to do is to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask him to come into your heart.”

After Sarah accepted Christ, Sarah asked me, “Does Jesus Christ really forgive everything I have done?”

I said, “Yes, Jesus will forgive you and forget all your sins.”

Sarah kept crying tears of joy. Sarah said, “I can’t believe I’m going home.”

I gave Sarah a Bible. When I pulled up to Sarah home, her parents came running out and Sarah ran to them. Her parents are already Christians. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!

Standing on Colfax With My Bible

Thank you so much for praying for me. Friday night God said, “Go to Colfax and pray for those that would come to me. Stand with the word of God in your hands and those that come to you pray for their needs.”

I was there almost 2 hours. God brought 17 people that needed prayer. Five gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Seven rededicate their hearts to Jesus and five asked for healing in their bodies.

A couple, who were well dressed in 1930 style clothing, came up to me and called out my name and prayed for me and as they left said, “Be blessed Sonny.”

God is Faithful. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Wonders of God

I was having a discussion with Sonny

Seven gave their hearts to Christ last night on the streets. 12 undercover police gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Glory.

Sonny,I would be interested in knowing what’s going on in the hearts of the undercover cops because they’re so receptive.

They have realized that they are on the front line ministry and they are never promised tomorrow just like us. They are so hungry for the word of Christ.

Sonny, it is like the people during the timeline of Acts. How these people are so receptive today like they were back then. It’s almost like you’re living the book Acts all over again today.

Amen! I have so many prayer warriors praying for me. I believe God is preparing hearts of the people on the streets for me. God lets me pray with them. God gets the Glory. I love God so much. Thank you for praying for me.

I’m praying with the prostitutes here in Denver. Two of them have given their hearts to Christ and their parents have come for them. They all cried and thanked Jesus for sending me to the streets. My King gets all the Glory. Please keep praying for me.

I got home at 3 this morning I have been praying and thanking God for the souls that were saved last night and praying for all the people I know. God is so Faithful! Thank you for praying for me.

Gang Leader Reading My Bible, Rescue 4 Girls

Thank you so much for your prayers. Last night I went to Commerce City to witness to 2 different Gangs. When I pulled up, the 2 gangs were facing each other. God said, “Four girls from the gang on the right want to go back to their families.”

When I got out of my pickup and started to walk toward the gangs, both gangs turned towards me and aimed their pistols at me. One of the gang members said, “That’s Sonny! He brings us pizza.” They all put their pistols away.

I laid the pizza and water on the tail gate and they started to eat. I said, “Let me pray for supper.”

The Gang actually stopped eating until I was done praying then they resumed eating again. I just purchased a new Bible because I gave my old one to a gang member. I read Psalms 119:105 from it to them. As I finished reading, the leader said, “That’s a beautiful Bible.”

I said, “Yes, the Words in this Bible are powerful.”

The Leader said, “Let me see it.”

I handed my Bible to him and he put it in his car on the seat. The leader asked me, “I have your bible. Sonny, what are you going to do about it?”

I said, “Can I pray for you? I want God’s word to bless you.”

The leader said, “I thought you would say that. We have to leave now.” They climbed into their cars and drove away {When I saw this gang again on 3/17/19 the Bible was on his dash of his car I said, “Have you been reading the Bible?”

The Leader said,”A little.”

The Bible had book marks placed in it. I know he’s reading the Bible because I don’t have bookmarks in my Bible. God is Faithful! My King gets the Victory!}

The leader on the right said, “What do you want to say to us Sonny?”

God told me four girls from your gang will be coming with me. They want to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. The 4 girls then asked me, “Will you take us with you?”

I said, “Yes, those of you that want to have your name written in the book of life come with me.”

The four girls were the only ones that came with me. As we were walking away God said, “Don’t look back! Keep walking.”

As we drove away, one of the girls said, “Thank you so much for coming for us.”

I said, “Your welcome; but my King Jesus Christ gets all the Glory.”

When we got to a safe place, I prayed with them and they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It’s my king that gets all the Victory. Their parents are Christians. We prayed over the girls and gave them Bibles.

Denver Drug Cartel

Last night I went to pray for a Organization that was after me. God said, “Go and pray for them in Denver.” When I got to the building where the Drug Cartel were at, I walked up and knocked on the front door.

Two men came out and said, “What do you want?”

I said, “I want to tell you that Jesus Christ loves all of you. God wants your hearts.” They had their pistols aimed at me.

One man asked, “Your Sonny, the one they call the preacher out on the streets. My Boss has sent us out on the streets to look for you. We could never find you.” They took me to the top floor where the rest of the Organization was. They all had their pistols aimed at me.

Their Boss asked, “Who is this?”

One of the men said, “This is Sonny, the one we have been looking for.” Then all their pistols dropped to the floor.

Their Boss asked, “What are you guys doing?” The Leader bent over to pick up his pistol and couldn’t pick it up.”

I said, “My King won’t let you pick up the pistols. There are 2 of you that are giving your hearts to Christ. Your names will be written in the book of life.”

Two of them came to the front standing facing towards me. They said, “We want to ask Jesus Christ into our hearts.”

I asked the rest of them, “Tonight is the last night you’ll ever see me again.” Only the two gave their hearts to Christ. It was awesome because all their families welcomed them back. I just dropped off the 2 young men from the Drug Cartel. Their Families were crying profusely. I prayed with all of them. It was so beautiful! God is so Faithful. My King gets the Victory.