Denver Drug Cartel

Last night I went to pray for a Organization that was after me. God said, “Go and pray for them in Denver.” When I got to the building where the Drug Cartel were at, I walked up and knocked on the front door.

Two men came out and said, “What do you want?”

I said, “I want to tell you that Jesus Christ loves all of you. God wants your hearts.” They had their pistols aimed at me.

One man asked, “Your Sonny, the one they call the preacher out on the streets. My Boss has sent us out on the streets to look for you. We could never find you.” They took me to the top floor where the rest of the Organization was. They all had their pistols aimed at me.

Their Boss asked, “Who is this?”

One of the men said, “This is Sonny, the one we have been looking for.” Then all their pistols dropped to the floor.

Their Boss asked, “What are you guys doing?” The Leader bent over to pick up his pistol and couldn’t pick it up.”

I said, “My King won’t let you pick up the pistols. There are 2 of you that are giving your hearts to Christ. Your names will be written in the book of life.”

Two of them came to the front standing facing towards me. They said, “We want to ask Jesus Christ into our hearts.”

I asked the rest of them, “Tonight is the last night you’ll ever see me again.” Only the two gave their hearts to Christ. It was awesome because all their families welcomed them back. I just dropped off the 2 young men from the Drug Cartel. Their Families were crying profusely. I prayed with all of them. It was so beautiful! God is so Faithful. My King gets the Victory.