Gang Leader Reading My Bible, Rescue 4 Girls

Thank you so much for your prayers. Last night I went to Commerce City to witness to 2 different Gangs. When I pulled up, the 2 gangs were facing each other. God said, “Four girls from the gang on the right want to go back to their families.”

When I got out of my pickup and started to walk toward the gangs, both gangs turned towards me and aimed their pistols at me. One of the gang members said, “That’s Sonny! He brings us pizza.” They all put their pistols away.

I laid the pizza and water on the tail gate and they started to eat. I said, “Let me pray for supper.”

The Gang actually stopped eating until I was done praying then they resumed eating again. I just purchased a new Bible because I gave my old one to a gang member. I read Psalms 119:105 from it to them. As I finished reading, the leader said, “That’s a beautiful Bible.”

I said, “Yes, the Words in this Bible are powerful.”

The Leader said, “Let me see it.”

I handed my Bible to him and he put it in his car on the seat. The leader asked me, “I have your bible. Sonny, what are you going to do about it?”

I said, “Can I pray for you? I want God’s word to bless you.”

The leader said, “I thought you would say that. We have to leave now.” They climbed into their cars and drove away {When I saw this gang again on 3/17/19 the Bible was on his dash of his car I said, “Have you been reading the Bible?”

The Leader said,”A little.”

The Bible had book marks placed in it. I know he’s reading the Bible because I don’t have bookmarks in my Bible. God is Faithful! My King gets the Victory!}

The leader on the right said, “What do you want to say to us Sonny?”

God told me four girls from your gang will be coming with me. They want to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. The 4 girls then asked me, “Will you take us with you?”

I said, “Yes, those of you that want to have your name written in the book of life come with me.”

The four girls were the only ones that came with me. As we were walking away God said, “Don’t look back! Keep walking.”

As we drove away, one of the girls said, “Thank you so much for coming for us.”

I said, “Your welcome; but my King Jesus Christ gets all the Glory.”

When we got to a safe place, I prayed with them and they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It’s my king that gets all the Victory. Their parents are Christians. We prayed over the girls and gave them Bibles.