New Bible From Undercover Police

Friday night I went to Denver to read the Bible to the Undercover Police. I was back behind the stage asking God what I should talk to them about. In the next room I heard some of the undercover cops secretly praying for me. They asked God to give me wisdom as I spoke tonight. I read Psalms 121- 1,2 and I also prayed for the Undercover Police. Three gave their hearts to Christ and several came up for prayer. A group of undercover cops came up to me and said, “Sonny, we have a gift for you.”

I asked, “What is it?”

They said, “Open it and find out.”

I picked up the box. It felt heavy as I moved it around my hands. I set it down and started to open it. Inside the box was another box. I lifted out the box and opened it. Inside was a brand new Bible. The undercover cops knew about the one Bible I had that was taken from me by a gang leader. Praise the Lord! He appears to be reading it. I thanked them for the greatly appreciated Bible and left for my next mission.

At 11:30pm I went to rescue one girl out of a gang. When I got to her house, Sarah came out and climbed into my pickup. She started crying. Sarah said, “Thank you for coming for me.”

I asked her,”Would you like your name written in the Lambs book of life? All you have to do is to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask him to come into your heart.”

After Sarah accepted Christ, Sarah asked me, “Does Jesus Christ really forgive everything I have done?”

I said, “Yes, Jesus will forgive you and forget all your sins.”

Sarah kept crying tears of joy. Sarah said, “I can’t believe I’m going home.”

I gave Sarah a Bible. When I pulled up to Sarah home, her parents came running out and Sarah ran to them. Her parents are already Christians. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!