California Latinos Come to Denver

Saturday night God me that their was a gang of Latinos from California and they would like some Oreo cookies and milk. As I pulled up, they surrounded my pickup. They asked me, “What do you want?”

I said, “I brought Oreo cookies and milk for you guys.”

They started to laugh at me. I set the cups and started to pour milk into them and opened the bag of cookies. The leader was the first one to get cookies and a cup of milk. He said, “Oreo cookies are my favorite.”

As they were eating, I gave them my ministry cards. I read John 3:16 -17 to them. The Leader said, “John 3:16 was my grandma favorite verse.” He received a call on his cell phone. He said, “It’s time for us to go.”

They got into their cars and drove away. God said, “Sonny, you will see them again. The seeds have been planted.” God is Faithful!