Correction Facility Revisit

I was driving to the Correction Facility. I was asked if I could speak again to the prisoners. God said, “There are families there waiting for you to pray with them. Read Matthew 6:33 to them.”

When I got to the Correction Facility, I was greeted by the security officers. The first thing they asked, “Sonny, can you pray for us and our families?”

I said, “I would love to pray with you. ”

They took me to a room where their families were waiting for us. There were over 50 people in the room. The security officers invited their families to come to get prayed for. When they told their families, this is Sonny who ministers to gangs all over the United States. They clapped for me.

I said, “The Glory and Victory belongs to my king Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.” They clapped even louder. I read Matthew 6:33 to them. After I finished, I told them, “If you want to hear God’s voice, then seek first for his Kingdom in his word. It’s there for you. You will begin to hear his voice and his heart for the lost and the broken hearted.”

I then asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come to the front.”

All of them came to the front. Some accepted Jesus Christ and some rededicate their hearts to Jesus Christ. They hugged me and thanked me for praying for them. It was beautiful to see my King Jesus Christ at work. He gets all the Glory and the Victory. I was taken to the stage to speak to the young men. I prayed for all of them. God wanted me to also read Matthew 6:33 to them also. After I finished reading to them, 17 young men came to the front from the Correction Facility and gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.