Power of a McDonald’s Iced Tea

I was in Denver and  and noticed that the gang members all had McDonald’s Iced Teas. This all started one day when I came back from Denver and went to church in Windsor. While at church Steve gave me and iced tea from McDonald’s. I told him how wonderful this tasted. He has been on a regular basis  making me an iced tea before church. He has been experimenting with the number of lemons and squeezing them to perfection. He has discovered that I like between four and five lemons in my iced tea. The Iced Teas are always totally amazing.

I have told the gang members about my McDonald’s ice teas that Steve makes for me.  I said, “You need to put four or five lemons in the iced tea.”

They decided they would like to try an iced tea themselves. They told me, ” Sonny,  these Iced Teas are totally amazing.”  So they have been getting regular McDonald’s Iced Teas. The unusual thing about one situation is when the gang went to McDonald’s and their order of or shipment of lemons did not come in. One gang leader  wanted his iced tea really bad so he told one of his boys to go over to King Soopers and to pick up some lemons. The guy came back with two bags of lemons. He handed the lemons over to the manager at McDonald’s. The manager wasn’t sure what to do and he was asking,”Do I need to pay you?”

The leader said, “No, just as Steve blesses Sonny with Iced teas; we want to bless you with these lemons.”

It is amazing even if somebody does not give their heart to Jesus today just the effect of showing love and respect to these gang members has an effect on them in their response to the manager.  I am sure that the manager was totally surprised by their response. This in turn will cause him to think about the power of Jesus Christ. It is so sweet to see how the love of Jesus has an effect on everyone.

Holy Spirit Stops at Walmart

On Good Friday I went to Walmart store in Timnath. As I was walking down one of the Isles, I heard a man on the next aisle to me say, “Let’s  come together and hold hands.”  I then heard a lady say, “Are we praying for someone?” By the tone of her voice I felt that they have done this before. The man replied,” The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that we need to stop now and pray for President Trump. “

I stopped what I was doing and started listening. As he was speaking words of encouragement and asking God to strengthen President Trump and his family,  I kept listening as I walked over to their aisle to see who they were. In the next aisle, I saw that there was a man, his wife and  four children all holding hands praying.  They continued  fervently praying for our country and praying for our presidents wisdom and his family. A few people took pictures with them praying and holding hands.  I was about to take a photo myself  but God said, “No Sonny, this is their time. You need to be praying with them.”

They were praying so sincerely that they did not realize anything that was going on around them.  I just watched and prayed with them. The Holy Spirit took over and started to speak the heavenly language to God through each member of the family until they finished. Eight people were there watching and where encouraging them to continue because of the presence of the Holy Spirit is beautiful. Isn’t God amazing! The Holy Spirit is working even here at Walmart.

Got Stopped by the Highway Patrol

I just been pulled over by the highway patrol for the 47th time. You may be asking why I’ve been having to be pulled over by the cops so many times. They have found out that I love to pray for them and their protection. They have a rough job and they’re in danger from the lack of respect from the public all the time. These people have been put in authority by God to make sure that we don’t break the laws just as we need to respect the God of Jesus Christ as an authority figure in our lives. If we cannot respect our patrolman as authority figures. We cannot respect the authority of God who gave them authority.  I am going to continue to pray for their hearts and protection. This is how it all started.

Place the story here

This is how the power of God works. The patrolman all have video cameras in their patrol cars and they are showing the officers pulling over the same vehicle over and over again. The captain asked, “Why are you guys pulling this guy over all the time?”

One officer explained, “He prays for us and the praying has a positive impact on our lives.”

The captain said, “You can continue to have him pray for you.”  More details here.


Chicago Police Come to Denver to Hear Message

Friday night I was surprised to see some undercover police from Chicago that I knew from my time in Chicago. God told them to come to Denver to hear the message that he shared with me to speak to the undercover police in Denver tonight.  They flew into Denver on Thursday of last week to hear me speak in Denver tonight.

I told them my king gets all the glory. They told me, “We love how God is using you to reach gangs and we wanted to be here to support you and to hear what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you.”

I was so blessed to see them again.  Five undercover police gave their hearts to Jesus Christ Friday night. After finishing my speaking engagement, God sent me to witness to a gang down town Denver.

Three gang members gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Their parents came and picked them up to take them home. I had a chance to pray with all the parents. It was beautiful time. Two of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. After doing everything God wanted me to do here, he then sent me to the streets of Colfax to witness there. Four people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.  I prayed with a lot of people Friday night. My king gets all the glory and the victory. Love you brother.