Got Stopped by the Highway Patrol

I just been pulled over by the highway patrol for the 47th time. You may be asking why I’ve been having to be pulled over by the cops so many times. They have found out that I love to pray for them and their protection. They have a rough job and they’re in danger from the lack of respect from the public all the time. These people have been put in authority by God to make sure that we don’t break the laws just as we need to respect the God of Jesus Christ as an authority figure in our lives. If we cannot respect our patrolman as authority figures. We cannot respect the authority of God who gave them authority.  I am going to continue to pray for their hearts and protection. This is how it all started.

Place the story here

This is how the power of God works. The patrolman all have video cameras in their patrol cars and they are showing the officers pulling over the same vehicle over and over again. The captain asked, “Why are you guys pulling this guy over all the time?”

One officer explained, “He prays for us and the praying has a positive impact on our lives.”

The captain said, “You can continue to have him pray for you.”  More details here.