Holy Spirit Stops at Walmart

On Good Friday I went to Walmart store in Timnath. As I was walking down one of the Isles, I heard a man on the next aisle to me say, “Let’s  come together and hold hands.”  I then heard a lady say, “Are we praying for someone?” By the tone of her voice I felt that they have done this before. The man replied,” The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that we need to stop now and pray for President Trump. “

I stopped what I was doing and started listening. As he was speaking words of encouragement and asking God to strengthen President Trump and his family,  I kept listening as I walked over to their aisle to see who they were. In the next aisle, I saw that there was a man, his wife and  four children all holding hands praying.  They continued  fervently praying for our country and praying for our presidents wisdom and his family. A few people took pictures with them praying and holding hands.  I was about to take a photo myself  but God said, “No Sonny, this is their time. You need to be praying with them.”

They were praying so sincerely that they did not realize anything that was going on around them.  I just watched and prayed with them. The Holy Spirit took over and started to speak the heavenly language to God through each member of the family until they finished. Eight people were there watching and where encouraging them to continue because of the presence of the Holy Spirit is beautiful. Isn’t God amazing! The Holy Spirit is working even here at Walmart.