Power of a McDonald’s Iced Tea

I was in Denver and  and noticed that the gang members all had McDonald’s Iced Teas. This all started one day when I came back from Denver and went to church in Windsor. While at church Steve gave me and iced tea from McDonald’s. I told him how wonderful this tasted. He has been on a regular basis  making me an iced tea before church. He has been experimenting with the number of lemons and squeezing them to perfection. He has discovered that I like between four and five lemons in my iced tea. The Iced Teas are always totally amazing.

I have told the gang members about my McDonald’s ice teas that Steve makes for me.  I said, “You need to put four or five lemons in the iced tea.”

They decided they would like to try an iced tea themselves. They told me, ” Sonny,  these Iced Teas are totally amazing.”  So they have been getting regular McDonald’s Iced Teas. The unusual thing about one situation is when the gang went to McDonald’s and their order of or shipment of lemons did not come in. One gang leader  wanted his iced tea really bad so he told one of his boys to go over to King Soopers and to pick up some lemons. The guy came back with two bags of lemons. He handed the lemons over to the manager at McDonald’s. The manager wasn’t sure what to do and he was asking,”Do I need to pay you?”

The leader said, “No, just as Steve blesses Sonny with Iced teas; we want to bless you with these lemons.”

It is amazing even if somebody does not give their heart to Jesus today just the effect of showing love and respect to these gang members has an effect on them in their response to the manager.  I am sure that the manager was totally surprised by their response. This in turn will cause him to think about the power of Jesus Christ. It is so sweet to see how the love of Jesus has an effect on everyone.