Praying for a Violent Park

I was witnessing to the gangs in an area near the park where the young 16 year old teenager was killed by gunfire. God said, “Go over the to that Park and  walk around it seven times  praying for the park. There is too much violence in this park and we need to make it safe.”

I was walking around the park perimeter and I would anoint oil on certain places and trees where God told me to.  I kept praying while I was going around the park. It was a beautiful day and I was the only one there at the park because of the fear everyone had of being shot. I had some police officer stop me. One officer asked,  “What are you doing?”

I said, “God told me to pray for the park.”

The officer replied, “It’s not safe to be here.  You could be shot.”

I said, “When my God tells me to do something,  he will protect me from any harm. I am going to do what my God tells me to do.”

The police officer asked, “Could we also walk around the park with you?”

I said, “If you do, we are not going to talk or discuss anything. We are going to pray as we continue walking around the park perimeter.”

The police officer said, “That’s okay. We will we will pray with you.”

We continue the last 3 laps around the park praying for various things and for protection for the people who come to the park. The police officers continued to pray along with me. After I finished the seven laps praying, the police officer said, “You know we pray for our meals, for our families; but we have never physically seriously prayed this long for anything such as this park.”

It was also a growing experience for the police officers. I am sure that it is going to change their lives forever.

Later, when I went to the park in a few weeks I noticed that there was a lot of people enjoying the park again. The power of Prayer can be blessing and change the world.