GOD Wakes Me to Save Peter

On Sunday night I was fast asleep. About 11 p.m. God woke me up and said, “You need to get up and head south. “

I was questioning what God wanted me to do but God again said, “You need to get going. A guy named Peter is going to jump off a bridge. You need to get going right now. “

I was again questioning God because he did not give me the answer to which overpass  because there’s are lot of overpasses in Denver. But I should know  by now that God will always give me the location as I’m driving.  I just started heading south and waiting for him to tell me where to go.  As I was driving down  towards Denver  I noticed my fuel tank gauge was getting close to empty .  God said, “Don’t worry about your fuel just continue driving  towards Denver.”

During my drive to Denver  I encountered two automobile accidents  on the route down that slowed the traffic down. I continue driving the speed limit for almost an hour and 45 minutes till I got to near where the intersection of I-25 and C470 where God showed me a car sitting all on the right side of the road. This is where I was told to stop and I parked behind this car. I then proceeded out of my pickup and walked past the car. As I was walking by the car I placed my hand on the hood and noticed that’s the engine was still very warm. So I knew he had not been here very long. I continued walking up the ramp  to the top of the overpass. I noticed a guy standing near the bridge. I said, “Peter what are you thinking about?”

He responded by asking, “Who are you and what are you doing here.”

I said, “My King told me to tell you that he loves you and not to jump.”

Peter looked at me and was perplexed by how I knew his name and what he was about to do. Peter said, “Your king! Who is your king.”

I said , “My king is Jesus Christ. He sent me from Loveland to rescue you from jumping because he loves you very much.  He told me to drive south and I would find you here.”

Peter was part of a gang a couple of years ago and he’s been trying to go to school and make something of his life. But he felt that his life is inadequate and just wanted to end it all. I told him, “Peter, God has a purpose for your life. “

Peter started to cry when he realized  that  God had sent me here  just to tell him that God loved him. He came over and hugged me and continued crying. I told him about my ministry that God gave me to witness about Jesus Christ with gangs. He talked about gangs that he was in and was asking me questions about whether I had a chance to witness to those gangs. While this was going on his folks we’re worried because it was so late and he still hadn’t come home. They followed his route he normally takes home and  came up on his car shortly after I got there.

Peter told his folks how God had shown me who he was and what he was about to do and how I drove here from Loveland just to share God love with me and what God wants to do in my life.

Peter was grateful that I came and in fact he couldn’t even believe that he was about to jump off that overpass. The enemy Satan wants to destroy our lives and wants us to end it all. Only God’s love and Power can overcome the enemy.

On A final note, you may be asking the question why did God not get somebody else closer to Peter then to ask me to come down to Denver. I asked God the same question and God’s response was, ” Sonny I chose you to represent me to the gangs. That is the reason why you went down because you are  my representative. “

I didn’t ask any more questions after that.