God Provides for New Tires

I was coming home from Denver on Sunday morning and I decided to stop by Resurrection Fellowship in Loveland to meet some people I knew in church. While I was there I was approached by a complete stranger who came up to me and starting to ask me questions. He asked, “Do you have a ministry where you drive around a lot rescuing people from gangs and on the highways.”

I said, “Yes I do”

God told me to withdraw $800 from my checking account. I asked God, “What is this for?”

God said, “I will tell you at the proper moment.”

While I was there in church God showed me you standing over there with your GodOverGangs t-shirts. God said, “Take the money and give it to him. ”

The story behind this is:  I have been praying to get a new set of tires for my pickup. My Ministry causes me to put many miles on my tires and they were getting in a situation where they needed to be replaced. My God knew that I needed new tires and he listened to my prayer. Sometimes I feel like asking “Why God are you waiting so long? I should replace my tires now.”

But God always knows the right time to do things.  He continues to test us to see if we really trust him.  God, my king, is faithful.

I am not at my goal yet but my God we’ll make sure it happens.