Serving Breakfast Burritos to the Latino gang

Saturday morning I went to witness to the Latino Gang in Denver the week before they asked, “The next time you come and talk to us about Jesus Christ bring us breakfast burritos.”

I asked, “What kind do you want?”

The leader said, “Sausage, egg and potatoes with green chili.”

I said, “That’s what I’ll bring.”

I made 3 dozen burritos for them. They were still warm when I got there. The first thing the Leader said, “If your going to talk to us about Jesus Christ you better have brought burritos.”

I said, “I brought 3 dozen breakfast burritos and water for you guys to drink.”

As those 15 young men were eating breakfast burritos, I read the word of God to the gang. Three of them asked, “How can God forgive them because they have done so many bad things?”

I said, “If you ask God to come into your hearts and ask God to forgive you of all your sins, God will forgive you and forget your sins and your names will be written in the lambs book of life.”

The three young men gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The rest of the Gang Members just stood there and were listening. After a short pause the remaining Latino Gang drove away.  I gave the three a ride to an uncle. One of them has family in Westminster. The parents of the three drove all the way from San Jose California to rescue their children. They went back to California yesterday morning with their parents. God is Faithful my King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Holy Spirit Delivers Bottled Water

I went to church on Sunday. After the service a brother that supports my ministry had gone to Sam’s and got me a 45 pack of bottled water and placed them in my truck for my future things God might be scheduling in the parks this summer. I was grateful for the bottled water but did not think much of it as I headed off to King Soopers to get some chicken for lunch.

After picking up the chicken and heading out the door back to my truck, I noticed that the tailgate was down and some people were touching my truck. At first I thought maybe somebody needed my water that was in the back of my truck.  I approached them to see what they were doing. It looked as though they were praying over my truck.

The guy said, ” Is this your truck?”

I said “Yes”

The guy said, “The Holy Spirit told me to get case of bottled water and take it out and put it in a pickup. My wife got the same message from the Holy Spirit and she said a big red pickup as we both went for the same case of bottled water. We saw the case of water in the back already. So we knew we had the right pickup. We wanted to meet you so we decided to pray over the truck until you got here.”

The guy then asked, “What is your Ministry?”

I said, ” I witness to gangs down in Denver.”

The guy said, “Wow! We definitely need to pray for you also.”

They got out their bottle of olive oil and while they were praying for me they anointed me with oil. They made sure I got it good amount of oil because I got it all over my shirt but I didn’t care I just wanted their Blessings and prayer over my life. God wanted me to make sure that I had enough water for the events he has planned for me this Fourth of July weekend.  God always knows my needs even before I do.”





Getting My Haircut in Denver

God told me I needed to go down to Denver and witness to the Latinos in Denver. It is Saturday morning.  In order to talk to the gang leader, he likes me to have a Latino haircut like his as one of the conditions that I had need in order to speak to him. I arrived at 10 a.m. at the barbershop that gave me my first Latino haircut. When I opened the door, I saw that there was about 10 or 12 people already waiting in line to get their haircuts.

The owner said, “Hi Sonny! Are you here to witness to the gangs today?”

I said, “Yes, I am.”

The owner said, “Sonny, I’m just about ready to finish up here with this cut and I will get your haircut next so you can get going to witness to our gangs here in Denver.” He said this in a loud enough voice that everybody in the room heard what he was talking about.

When he finally motioned to me to come to the chair,  I was wondering about the people who were waiting in line what they were thinking with me going in and getting my haircut ahead of them.  Some of these guys waiting in line look pretty tough. When I was finished getting my hair cut, I noticed that the price of a haircut was $20.

I asked the owner, “How much for the haircut?”

The owner who is also Christian said, “Sonny, it’s on the house. You just go out there and continue bringing Jesus to our Gangs.”

As I started heading towards the door to leave, some of the guys standing in line asked me, “Is it true that you are witnessing to the Gangs here in Denver?”

I said, “Yes, God wants me to share the love of Jesus Christ with gangs here in Denver.”

One of the guys then asked, “Is it true that Jesus Christ can forgive me for my sins for whatever I have done?”

I said, “Yes, Jesus can forgive your sins no matter what you may have done.”

This opened up another door to be able to talk to the people waiting in line. Many had questions they wanted to ask. We placed some chairs together and almost had like a little bible study going on. Several people accepted Jesus into their hearts right in the barbershop. God can even change hearts in a barbershop.

After I finished praying at the barber shop, I left to go were to the Latino Gang was hanging out. When I arrived at the park, a bunch of motorcycles parked in front and behind my pickup. The bikers seemed to be dirty like they camp outside all the time. I noticed that all the riders had 2 swords on their jackets in a crossed position. I asked, “What do the swords mean on your jackets?”

One of the riders responded, “They are just that, if you mess with us, this is what is going to happen to you.”

I told him, “I have my sword also.”

The rider said, “Let me see what your sword looks like.”

I went into my pickup and got out my Bible. I said, “This is my sword, the word of God.” I held it in my hand like it was a sword.

God caught the bike riders off guard and they started backing away. Another biker stopped and got off his bike and kind of walked towards me kind of like flexing his muscles and he laid his hand on my pickup. As his hand came into contact with with the pickup, he got a good shock. The biker said, “Hey man! What’s going on here? Your pickup gave me a shock.”

I said, “Nothing! See I have nothing in my hands that I could do to cause this pick up to shock you.”

I demonstrated it by putting my hands on the pickup and there was no shock. You may say it was just a static discharge due to static electricity but after I took my hands off he tried to touch the pick up again. He got a royal shock again.

He said, “Your pickup shocked me again. What is going on here?”

I said, “My king does not want you to touch his truck.”

The biker exclaimed, “Your king!”

I said, “Yeah my king Jesus Christ.”

When I said this, the biker became extremely scared. He just turned around got on his bike and left and pretty soon they all left. Even a closed Bible can have power. After they rode off, I proceeded to walk into the park and look for the Latino gang leader.

I soon found him in the interior of the park. The gang leader said, “Sonny, I see you got a haircut. It looks good!”

I said, “Yeah, I got it just for you.”

The Latino gang leader said,” I respect you for getting a hair cut like mine because that means that you respect us.”

I told him, ” I praise God that they listen to the word of God. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.”