Holy Spirit Delivers Bottled Water

I went to church on Sunday. After the service a brother that supports my ministry had gone to Sam’s and got me a 45 pack of bottled water and placed them in my truck for my future things God might be scheduling in the parks this summer. I was grateful for the bottled water but did not think much of it as I headed off to King Soopers to get some chicken for lunch.

After picking up the chicken and heading out the door back to my truck, I noticed that the tailgate was down and some people were touching my truck. At first I thought maybe somebody needed my water that was in the back of my truck.  I approached them to see what they were doing. It looked as though they were praying over my truck.

The guy said, ” Is this your truck?”

I said “Yes”

The guy said, “The Holy Spirit told me to get case of bottled water and take it out and put it in a pickup. My wife got the same message from the Holy Spirit and she said a big red pickup as we both went for the same case of bottled water. We saw the case of water in the back already. So we knew we had the right pickup. We wanted to meet you so we decided to pray over the truck until you got here.”

The guy then asked, “What is your Ministry?”

I said, ” I witness to gangs down in Denver.”

The guy said, “Wow! We definitely need to pray for you also.”

They got out their bottle of olive oil and while they were praying for me they anointed me with oil. They made sure I got it good amount of oil because I got it all over my shirt but I didn’t care I just wanted their Blessings and prayer over my life. God wanted me to make sure that I had enough water for the events he has planned for me this Fourth of July weekend.  God always knows my needs even before I do.”