Serving Breakfast Burritos to the Latino gang

Saturday morning I went to witness to the Latino Gang in Denver the week before they asked, “The next time you come and talk to us about Jesus Christ bring us breakfast burritos.”

I asked, “What kind do you want?”

The leader said, “Sausage, egg and potatoes with green chili.”

I said, “That’s what I’ll bring.”

I made 3 dozen burritos for them. They were still warm when I got there. The first thing the Leader said, “If your going to talk to us about Jesus Christ you better have brought burritos.”

I said, “I brought 3 dozen breakfast burritos and water for you guys to drink.”

As those 15 young men were eating breakfast burritos, I read the word of God to the gang. Three of them asked, “How can God forgive them because they have done so many bad things?”

I said, “If you ask God to come into your hearts and ask God to forgive you of all your sins, God will forgive you and forget your sins and your names will be written in the lambs book of life.”

The three young men gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The rest of the Gang Members just stood there and were listening. After a short pause the remaining Latino Gang drove away.  I gave the three a ride to an uncle. One of them has family in Westminster. The parents of the three drove all the way from San Jose California to rescue their children. They went back to California yesterday morning with their parents. God is Faithful my King gets all the Glory and the Victory.