Popcorn Used to Witness to Gangs

I went back to Denver Sunday afternoon to spend more time witnessing to the Gangs down there. On the drive down, God said, “Go and pick up 4 big bags of popcorn at Costco and take them with you.”

I had a cooler full of bottle water for all of the gangs. The first gang I talked to shared with me for a long time while eating two bags of popcorn. None of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ at this time but they let me pray for all of them before they left the park. I went over to the second gang and asked, “Do you guys want some popcorn?”

The gang excitedly responded, “It would be great to have some popcorn.” I proceeded to bring out the popcorn and water. As they started eating, I read Jeremiah 29:11.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Two of them came over to stand by me. One of them asked, “Can God really forgive me?”

I said, “If you ask for forgiveness, my King will forgive you and forget all your sins. Your hearts will be transformed and my King will give you a new purpose for your life.”

They both gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I received the opportunity to take them back to their parents. Their parents were Christians. My King gets all the glory and the victory.

The second Gang thought it was funny that I brought popcorn to both of the Gangs. Both gangs I am sure feel that someone does care about them. Pray that a seed has been planted in their hearts and I am hoping to be able to witness to them again sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

KFC Chicken Blessing Gangs

Saturday morning I received  a call from one of my informers telling me that there was a Gang at the park in Commerce City. God said, “It is the Latinos. I want you to take napkins,  plastic plates and  bottled water with you before you go to meet them.”

As I was driving to Commerce City, God said, “Read from my Word when you get there from Jeremiah 29:11.”

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

When I arrived at the park, I noticed that it was the Latino Gang. They were by a picnic table and there was 4 buckets of KFC. They even had a McDonald’s ice tea for me like they were expecting me to come and see them. As I walked towards them I noticed a different Gang on the other side of the park. The Leader of the Latinos said, “Here’s your ice tea.”

I said, “Thank you guys for thinking of me.” then I said, “You guys are definitely  hungry today with 4 buckets of KFC.”

The leader said, “Two of the buckets are for us and the other two buckets are for the Gang that’s over there.” The Leader then asked, “Sonny will you take it to them. Don’t tell them it’s from us.”

I said, “Sure I’ll take it to them. But I cannot lie by taking credit for it.  They need to know you are the blessing to them.”

The Leader and his boys also grabbed some water. I said, “This is really nice of you guys doing this for that other Gang.”

The Latino Leader said, “They’re hungry! I want to give them something to eat like you gave us something to eat.”

God has made them sensitive to the point where they recognized the need that this other gang was hungry.  Even more powerfull is the desire to share. God is definitely softening their hearts.

So I put the buckets in my Pickup and drove to the other side of the park. When I got out of my pickup the Leader of that Gang started to walk to me and said, “What do you want?”

I said, “I brought KFC and water for you guys.” After I put the two buckets, plates and napkins on the picnic table, I got my cooler with the water bottles. They started to eat the KFC. There was 14 in this Gang. They came from Dallas Texas. As they were eating the Leader said, ” What’s the Bible for?”

I said, “God told me to read Jeremiah 29:11 to all of you.”

After I read it, two of them came forward and asked, “What kind of plans does God have for us?”

I said, “God wants you to give your hearts to him and to live for him. God will give you a new purpose in this world.”

The Leader said, “If you two give your hearts to God then you better go with Sonny.”

Those two gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The Leader said to the other boys, “Let’s go. Thanks for lunch.”  They drove away.  They never asked where the chicken came from or why would someone do something like this? Holy Spirit continue to let this blessing from the other gang change their hearts.

The two that stayed with me said, “We have Uncles here in Denver. Will you take us to them?”

I said, “Yes.”

When I got to their Uncles homes, a lot of people came running out to hug them. They cried for awhile. All their Uncles family loves our King. The boys told them that they had given their hearts to Jesus Christ. It was beautiful to see my King get all the Glory and the Victory.

New Gang In Denver

God has lead me back to talk to another gang in a Denver park. I was praying to God how to proceed.

God said, “I want you to serve them KFC.”

I said, “I have a gift card to get chicken at King Soopers instead.”

God said, “Sonny listen to me. I want you to get the largest KFC bucket meal on the board to serve to them.”

I obeyed God’s command  and purchased the chicken at KFC and left for the park. When I arrived at the park where this gang was, I noticed that no one looked familiar and they likewise with me. They drew their weapons and pointed them towards me. The gang leader demanded, “What are you doing here?”

I said, “Jesus Christ told me that you guys are hungry and to make sure that I had enough. He told me serve you the big KFC chicken bucket meal.”

The gang leader said, “KFC is my favorite chicken. It is the best chicken.”

One gang member then blurted out, “This Jesus Christ must be a pretty cool dude.”

What is unusual about this, the expression “Kentucky Fried Chicken” was  never used either by God or the gang members. It was “KFC”. God loves us so much that he cares about our likes. Only KFC would do for this gang.

I proceeded to get the food and drink out of my pickup. The gang members started to take things to a nearby picnic table to eat. One of the gang members opened my cooler and saw the cooled drinks. He said, “Are these bottled waters for us?”

I said, “Yes”

The gang member said, “This is great that we get to drink bottled water with our chicken.”

As they started eating, I read John 3:16-17 to them. They ate all the chicken, cole slaw, mashed potatoes and gravy. They ate everything picking the bones clean. I then cut the desert and served that next.

The gang appeared to be of Latino decedent. I asked the gang leader, “Where are you from?”

The gang leader exclaimed, “Why do you want to know?”

I said, “You know it’s really not that important. God already knows where you are from.”

The gang leader asked, “Will Jesus Christ forgive me unconditionally?”

From this question I was wondering if he once knew Jesus Christ. I responded, “If you truly want his forgiveness, he will forget about your past sins forever.”

The gang leader said, “Sonny, we are not ready yet.”

The gang members went back to their cars and left. The cars they were driving are classics from the sixties. They were not lowriders but they were all in mint condition. The Holy Spirit planted a seed today and it will germinate. They will come back.

Speaking to Undercover Cops and 2 Opposing Gangs

Last night after I prayed and read some scriptures to the Undercover Police, three walked up to the front and one of them said, “I have been coming here on Friday’s for a month and God has been pulling at my heart to go to the front and give my heart to Jesus Christ. I’m done running. I’m here now and I want to know the king you know.”

The three officers gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. It was so amazing to see them give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

After spending time with the undercover police officers, I got a call from one of my informers that there were two Gangs at a park. Before I went to meet the two Gangs,  God said, “Pick up cookies and milk so you can serve them.”

After getting the food, I headed to the park where the gangs were at.  I read the word of God to them as I was between the two Gangs. I was also praying and asked God, “What do you want me to do?”

God said, “You have frisbees.”

I threw one frisbee to one Gang and then threw another frisbee to the other Gang. They started throwing them back and forth from one Gang to the other. It was so much fun to see them having fun instead of fighting each other. As they started walking to me, I put out the cookies, milk and cups. As I poured the milk, they asked, “Is this for us?”

I said, “Yes”

As both Gangs started eating cookies, I read
Psalm – 34:18,19
18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the LORD delivers him from them all;

and then Jeremiah 29:11.
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

These are the verses God said to read to them. Four gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Three were from 1 Gang and one from the other. My king Jesus Christ gets all the Glory and the Victory.

God has called me to witness to other Gangs in Denver tomorrow.