New Gang In Denver

God has lead me back to talk to another gang in a Denver park. I was praying to God how to proceed.

God said, “I want you to serve them KFC.”

I said, “I have a gift card to get chicken at King Soopers instead.”

God said, “Sonny listen to me. I want you to get the largest KFC bucket meal on the board to serve to them.”

I obeyed God’s command  and purchased the chicken at KFC and left for the park. When I arrived at the park where this gang was, I noticed that no one looked familiar and they likewise with me. They drew their weapons and pointed them towards me. The gang leader demanded, “What are you doing here?”

I said, “Jesus Christ told me that you guys are hungry and to make sure that I had enough. He told me serve you the big KFC chicken bucket meal.”

The gang leader said, “KFC is my favorite chicken. It is the best chicken.”

One gang member then blurted out, “This Jesus Christ must be a pretty cool dude.”

What is unusual about this, the expression “Kentucky Fried Chicken” was  never used either by God or the gang members. It was “KFC”. God loves us so much that he cares about our likes. Only KFC would do for this gang.

I proceeded to get the food and drink out of my pickup. The gang members started to take things to a nearby picnic table to eat. One of the gang members opened my cooler and saw the cooled drinks. He said, “Are these bottled waters for us?”

I said, “Yes”

The gang member said, “This is great that we get to drink bottled water with our chicken.”

As they started eating, I read John 3:16-17 to them. They ate all the chicken, cole slaw, mashed potatoes and gravy. They ate everything picking the bones clean. I then cut the desert and served that next.

The gang appeared to be of Latino decedent. I asked the gang leader, “Where are you from?”

The gang leader exclaimed, “Why do you want to know?”

I said, “You know it’s really not that important. God already knows where you are from.”

The gang leader asked, “Will Jesus Christ forgive me unconditionally?”

From this question I was wondering if he once knew Jesus Christ. I responded, “If you truly want his forgiveness, he will forget about your past sins forever.”

The gang leader said, “Sonny, we are not ready yet.”

The gang members went back to their cars and left. The cars they were driving are classics from the sixties. They were not lowriders but they were all in mint condition. The Holy Spirit planted a seed today and it will germinate. They will come back.