The Power of Serving

On Saturday God said, ” Take 6 pizza to a park in Denver. 2 gangs will be there. I want you to serve them and talk about me.”

I arrived at the park and set the pizzas on a picnic table. Normally I serve from my pickup box but I felt today I should go to a picnic table.  I have been witnessing to the Gang on my right for a year. So they are getting to know me real well. The other gang I only have known them about 2 months. These two gangs at the park are adversaries of each other.  When they both started walking towards me, God was showing me their hearts and why they are broken.  I started to pray for them as they continued walking towards me. As they were in talking distance of each other, the gang that knew me the longest said, “Guys, this is Sonny. He doesn’t mean any harm to us. Sonny brings food to us and reads the Bible to us. Let’s put our weapons down and just listen to what Sonny is going to read to us.”

They unloaded their pistols and laid them down on the table. As they brought both tables together the presence of the Holy Spirit took over the event. It was so peaceful around both Gangs.  Some of the gang members noticed that some of the others has not received any pizza yet. They picked up the box and started to pass the pizzas around to make sure everyone got a slice. The moment was so powerful. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.  I read Jeremiah 29 :11:

. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

30 min later I read to them Jeremiah 29:12:

12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Three young men from the gang that knew me the longest came forward.  I prayed for them and they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

I looked directly at 2nd gang and read John 3:16-17:

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

The message of God’s word touched their hearts. Two from the other gang started to come to me. I prayed for them and they gave their life to Jesus Christ.

Jesus talked in the New Testament about serving others. When this is done with the love that Jesus Christ demonstrates to us, it even becomes more powerful.  The gangs trusted me and felt secure because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. Here are some scriptures that talk about the importance of serving others.

1 Peter 4:10 New International Version (NIV)

10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Galatians 5:13-14 New International Version (NIV)

13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Ephesians 6:6-8 New International Version (NIV)

6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

God Sends Me to New Jersey

The Police jet that picked my up in Chicag0 came to pick me up a Denver International Airport. I boarded the jet and I am now heading to the state of New Jersey. God said, “There is a gang there that is hurting everybody who comes into contact with their turf. I want you to witness to this gang and tell them about my son Jesus Christ. Take 15 Bibles and 14 crosses and read 1 John 1:9 and John 3:16-17 to them. Serve them by taking milk, orange juice and 2 dozen chocolate doughnuts for them.”

I was dropped off 7 blocks away from the gang on “Death Street” because the uncover police didn’t want to be seen before I started to witness to the gang. The Undercover Police prayed for me. They prayed, “God, give Sonny wisdom to touch their hearts and protect him while he is sharing the love of Jesus to them.” It was a very powerful prayer. They then anointed me with oil. As I walked, I prayed for the gang I was to meet. I asked God to show me their hearts and why their hearts are broken.  I prayed that my King would start the healing to their hearts even before I arrived.

As I neared my destination, a man named Job walked up to us and said, “Our King said don’t walk into the street for 7 minutes.  Our King is still preparing their hearts.” Then Job turned and walked away.  You may be asking, “Is this the same Job that I met in Chicago? It is. He could be an angel sent by God or he could be a man who was sent by God to aid in my Ministry. Either way, he is one cool dude and I thank God for sending him. The undercover police also asked, “Who was that?”

I said, “His name is Job. He was sent to us by our King. He told us to wait 7 minutes  before crossing the street.”

After the 7 minutes passed,  God said, “Walk towards them.” While I was walking towards the gang, God showed me the Leader’s heart and why it was broken.  I walked straight to the leader. The Leader exclaimed, “What’s your last words to me? Because you are going to die here today.”

I said, “My last words to you are: I forgive you and love you just like my King has loved me and has forgiven me.”

The Leader said, “You never should have come here!” Then the Leader said, “Your not scared of dying, are you.”

I said, “When my eyes close in this world they will open in God’s Kingdom. I get to see my King and from there I will pray for you.”

God told me, “Pray for all of them.”

I responded,  “I was sent here to pray for all of you. After I finish praying then you can shoot me.”

The Leader said, “Go ahead. Pray for all of us.”

I said, “Before I pray for all of you, there are two Scriptures that God wants me to read to all of you. One scripture is John 3:16-17 and the other is 1 John 1:9.”

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

God told me, “Pray for the Leader last.” As I was walking by the Leader to pray for the others, I could see his eyes tearing up. As I began praying for the others, God began showing me why their hearts were broken. I began praying that God would bring healing to their hearts.

As I prayed for each one, I hung a cross on their neck and anointed them with oil.  Then I handed them a Bible. Each gang member accepted my prayer.  Our God is so awesome.  Lastly, I walked towards the Leader. God showed me that the Leader was wearing a cross already under his shirt. That is why God said to me to only take 14 crosses even there are 15 in the gang.  The Leader said, “You are praying for me, anointing me with oil and giving me a Bible. Where’s my cross?”

I said, “It’s under your shirt. The cross you are wearing was given to you by your Grandpa.  Your Grandpa also read John 3:16 and 1 John 1:9 to you before he died. Those were his favorite verses.”

The Leader started to cry and said, “I know that you were sent here by God for me and my Gang. No one here knows about the cross under my shirt and my Grandpa’s favorite verses. I’m tired of running from God.”

I responded, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs book of life come to me and I will pray for you.”

All of them walked up to me and and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins. Then they asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. They all called their parents who were anxious to have them come back home. Before their parents arrived,  I continued to pray with them and telling them that God has a new purpose for their lives. The Leader came over and hugged me for a long time. I exclaimed, “My king loves you and is so proud of you and I know your Grandpa is praising God for your Salvation.”

I kept hugging them and praying with them. When all their parents arrived, they all cried while hugging and loving their sons. God told me, “Pray for their parents.”   I asked the parents, “Do you  want your names written in the lambs book of life?” All of them came forward with their sons. All the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. We all sat down and ate the food that I brought with me and continued to talk about the wonders of God and his son Jesus.

Colorado Patrolman Stops Me for Prayer

On Sunday morning I left Denver after a night of witnessing. As I was driving down I-25, I came near the 7-Eleven that I frequent quite often. God said, “Sonny, stop and get a large coffee.” So I stopped and ordered a large coffee. The guy who runs the 7-11 gave me a puzzled look. He exclaimed, “Sunny you’re getting a black coffee! Sonny, you never order a coffee.  I always see you get a Coke.”

I said, “God told me to stop and get a large coffee for someone who needs prayer. He never told me who the coffee was for. But I am doing what God asked me to do.”

The guy said, “The coffee is on the house. Here is a coke for no charge for your obedience.” Before I left, he came over and prayed over me for a safe journey.

I continued back on my journey to go to church in Windsor. Approximately 25 minutes later a highway patrolman was behind me with his flashing lights on. I had my cruise control set to 75 so I did not think I was breaking any laws.  The Holy Spirit said, “Sonny, he needs prayer.” After I pulled off the interstate, the patrolman came up to my window and said, “Sonny I need you to pray for me.” This does happened frequently where I have been pulled over by highway patrolmen because they know that I love to pray for them and I love these guys. The patrolman said, “I talked to my Captain and asked for permission to talk to you because I wanted you to pray for me. He said go ahead. You can pull him over to let him pray for you.” You may be asking why or how they know who I am. With technology and the fact that I’ve been praying for these guys for some time, they recognize the vehicle that I drive. It is a honor to pray for these men.

The patrolman asked, “Sonny, is it okay if I sit in your vehicle with you.”

I said, “Sure you’re welcome to do so.”

He went over to the passenger side of my pickup and climbed in and sat down on the seat. As he closed the door of my pickup he noticed my cup of coffee sitting in the cup holder. The patrolman said, “Boy, that coffee sure looks good.”

I said, “God told me to buy it for you.” Of course up to this time, I really didn’t know who it was for but now I do. We started to pray. This patrolman was really hurting. He poured out his heart to God the things he wanted to change and improve for 45 minutes. After we were done praying, he walked back to his patrol car a renewed and changed man. After he left, I headed back to Windsor to go to church thinking about what God will do with the life of this patrolman. I am sure it will be amazing.

When God is present there is safety and comfort. Patrolmen feel safe being around me only because the Holy Spirit can give this security to these men. I can only do what Spirit tells me to do. This verse is for our highway patrolman who do dangerous work to “Protect and Serve”.

Psalm 140:4 New International Version (NIV)

Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked;
    protect me from the violent,
    who devise ways to trip my feet.

God Sends Me to Rescue Undercover Cops

On Friday night I went to the bonfire at my church and had a great time fellow-shipping and talking about our awesome God. Later in the evening God said, “Sonny, you need to go to Denver. There are four undercover police that are going to be surrounded by a bunch of guys.”

In my walk with God, when God asks me to do something I get on it right away. Timing is very important with God. I left my church to go to Denver. The Holy Spirit took me to east Colfax to an empty parking lot where the undercover police officers were. I scoped out the parking lot  and noticed a bunch of guys walking towards them. Thank you so much for your prayers that the Holy Spirit reveals these things to me. These undercover police officers were my friends. I counted 13 guys  in the group that were about to surround my friends. God said, “Go and stand against the enemy. When you walk up to them, tell them I come for the lost and the broken hearted. Those of you that want your names written in the lambs book of life follow me. Because tomorrow is never promised. God wants your hearts.”

After I did what God commanded me to do, all 13 guys walked away from my friends.  As I started to pray for my friends, they asked, “Did God tell you that we were going to be in trouble Sonny?”

I replied, “I was in Windsor at a church bonfire and God told me to go to Denver because some undercover police offices are in trouble.  I got here in God’s timing. God is Faithful!”

They said, “The guys had really big knifes in their hands, Sonny.”

I said, “I have the Sword of God with me. No weapon shall prosper against the word of God.”

They continued to thank me for saving them from the 13 guys that were about to confront them. My King gets all the glory and the victory .

The Undercover Police went back to work with an even greater conviction on how powerful our God is.  I went to the streets to pray for people that will come to me for prayer.

Meeting Gangs in Chicago

While I was praying, God said, “Sonny, there are two gangs in Chicago that are causing a lot of problems there. I want you to go to Chicago and share the love of Jesus Christ with them. I have a purpose for their lives.”

God also shared more details of the gangs to prepare me and what to take with me when I would leave for Chicago. Shortly after this the Chicago Police Department called me asking for help for two gangs there. This confirmed what God already told me. I said, “My king said that I should go and witness to these two gangs”. The Chicago Police Department brought out one of their jets to pick me up at Denver International Airport.

As I got on the plane, all the undercover police gave me hugs and thanked me for going to Chicago to see what God is going to do. Three of the undercover police officers on the plane are Christians.  I also discovered the two pilots are also Christians.  The other three passengers, an undercover police officer and two young ladies, weren’t Christians. They served us with pop or water and snacks before we were in the air.  I prayed for our flight as we prepared for take off. After we were airborne a little while I  went and prayed with the undercover police officer that was lost. He began to cry. He said, “I’m done running from God.” He gave his heart to Jesus Christ. The two ladies, after witnessing the salvation of the undercover police officer, came over and asked if I would pray with them. As I started praying, they began to cry and asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts.  It was beautiful moment on our flight to Chicago.  I read the word of God to them and gave the three Bibles I had in my possession to them.  My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

When our flight was near Chicago, the pilots flew us over the buildings in “Hell Zone”, as the police called it and where the gangs lived. As the pilots banked the plane, I looked out the window by my seat. It looked really bad from the airplane. I can see why God wanted me here. Once we landed at the airport, the undercover police took me to a building to pray for the undercover police officers that were having a meeting. There was over 200 officers present. God said, “Sonny, pray for them and to read Isaiah 41:10
10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

After reading scriptures, I shared what God has been doing in my life and how God protects me from danger. Some of them started to cry.  I asked them, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of life to come to the front.”

Over 150 officers came forward. They all accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.   Only the Holy Spirit can prepare this many hearts at one time. God gets all the Glory and the Victory.

I am ready to go out and confront the two gangs. Before I was dropped off where the gangs were, God said, “Sonny,  take 54 Bibles and the 54 crosses with you. A man whose name is Job will give you box with the crosses to take with you. For food take doughnuts,  milk and orange juice.” As I was going about my business in Chicago, a man whose name was Job came out of nowhere with a box of 54 crosses. When he handed me the white box, Job said, “These are from our King.” Then he said, “Sonny, walk by faith not by sight. Keep your eyes on God’s Kingdom.”

The police provided a wagon for me to transport my supplies. The undercover police officers dropped me off 12 blocks away from the abandoned building where the gangs are hanging out. I was walking toward the gangs that God called “Lions”.  There are 15 gang members and 11 girls in one gang. The other gang has 18 gang members and 10 girls. I can witness to both gangs here because both gangs are facing each other now. They are yelling at each other and aiming their pistols at each other.  When I saw them, God started showing me their brokenness. As I got closer to them all of them re-positioned their pistols towards me.  The leader on the right side exclaimed, “What’s your last words before I shoot you? You made a serious  mistake coming here. ”

I said,  “Jesus Christ loves all of you and I forgive you and love you just like Jesus Christ has loved me and forgiven me.” Then I said,  “Before you shoot me, let me pray for every single one of you and when I’m done praying then you can shoot me.”

God said to me,  “Start walking through the gangs to where all the girls are. Pray for the girls first.”

I prayed with the girls and anointed them with olive oil and put Crosses on them. None of the gang members moved.

Then God said to me, “Now pray for the gang members.” I was praying for them and anointed them with olive oil on their foreheads and putting the crosses around their necks. Again none of them moved. God wouldn’t let them move at all.  God then instructed me,  “Go to the girls and ask them if they wanted their names written in the lambs book of life.”

I asked the question. All 21 girls came along side with me as we were walking by the gang members. Still none of them moved. God said to me, “Walk away from them.” I walked the girls 12 blocks where buses were waiting for us. There was a bus for the boys and a bus for the girls.  God told me earlier,  “Sonny, before you  meet the gangs, I want a separate bus for the girls and the boys.  They will all give their hearts to me. I want you remove them all from Hell Zone and take them to a safe place.” The boys bus had a male Christian undercover driver and there are a seven male Christian counselors present to talk to the boys. The ladies bus had a female Christian undercover police officer driver. There are seven Christian women counselors  on board the bus to talk to the girls.

The ladies that were waiting by the bus were undercover police officers. They were there waiting for the girls that would come. They hugged the girls and loved them and told them they were safe. They encouraged them to call their parents to see if they would meet them at the safe park.

I went back and stood between both gangs again. They still had not moved. The leader on the left said,  “Where’s all the Girls?”

I said, “God told me to take them where they would be safe.”

The leader responded, “How did you do that? I didn’t see you take them anywhere.”

I said, “It’s because of my King. My King didn’t want you to see them walk away from here.” Then God said to me,  “Tell them tomorrow is never promised. They needed to make a decision where they wanted to spend eternity in the Lake of fire or in God’s Kingdom.” then God said, “Read John 3:16 ,17 and Isaiah 41:10. After I read the scripture to them I shared what God told me.  I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?”

All dropped their weapons and walked towards me. They replied, “You have scared us. Your King took all the girls away and we didn’t see it happening. We want to know your King. Can you pray for us?”

I prayed with them. One by one they began accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As the boys walked the 12 blocks to the bus, I said, “Do not look back.” When we arrived at the bus, the boys asked, “Where are you taking us?”

I said, “To a safe park. You should  call your parents.”

There was a park that the undercover police knew about that was safe for them and their families.  They told them the name of the park where they would be going. The boys then told their parents where they were going to be. Everyone of the parents came for the young men. I prayed for all their parents. Eight of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The rest were already Christians. I told them to destroy their cell phone chips which they did immediately.   I went to the other bus. We took the girls to another park where all their parents were waiting for them. There was a lot of crying. I prayed for all the parents of the young girls.  Twelve of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.  The rest of the parents were Christians already. I told their parents to destroy all the girls cell phone chips and they did immediately. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. God is Faithful.

The wagon with all the food we put in the buses. We ate the food at the safe parks.  I read  them John 3:16 ,17 and Isaiah 41:10 again. After spending 2 days in Chicago, my King had me go back home to Colorado. I went back home in the same jet and landed at Denver International Airport

John 3:16 ,17
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Isaiah 41:10
10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
   do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
   I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Entire Dallas Gang Give Lives for Jesus Christ

Monday morning when I landed in DIA at Denver, I received a phone call from an undercover police officer.  He said, “Sonny a gang moved to Denver last Friday from Dallas Texas. There are 20 of them.”   He then told me where  I would find them.

God said, “Read John 3:16 to them and take them fried chicken.” I went to King Soopers and I picked up 40 pieces of chicken, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. I then filled a cooler full of bottled water. I placed the food into my pickup and headed to the location where they were hanging out. When I pulled up to the gang and climbed out of my pickup, the Leader said, “What do you want?”

I said, “My Boss sent me here to meet you because he said you guys were hungry.”

The leader said, “So, who’s your Boss.”

I said, “His name is Jesus Christ. He told me to bring fried chicken.”

As they started to eat, I prayed out loud to Bless the food. I then read John 3:16 to them.

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

When I finished reading,  three of them came to me and said, “We are ready to accept Jesus Christ.” So the three gang members from Dallas, Texas gave their hearts to Jesus Christ on Monday. God is so faithful. One of them has an Uncle and Aunt that lives in Pueblo, Colorado. They drove to Denver to pick the young men up. The other young men’s parents are coming from Dallas, Texas to take them back to their homes.  We stayed up most of the night Monday talking about the awesomeness of  God. The Uncle and Aunt from Pueblo, Colorado also asked a lot of questions about God. They both gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It was beautiful to see. They all cried and kept hugging me and each other. My king, Jesus Christ, gets all the glory and the victory.

Tuesday was more powerful then Monday. That morning I went again to the park where the Dallas Gang has been hanging out. I parked my pickup in the middle of all their cars and proceeded to get out of my vehicle. The leader said, “What are you going to read to us this morning?”

I said, “My king told me to read Mathew 6:33 to all of you. I brought doughnuts and milk for all of you guys.”

While they were eating, I read Mathew 6:33

33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

The leader started to cry and all the gang members began to surround us. They asked him, “What’s going on?”

The leader said, “That verse hangs up in my Grandma and Grandpa’s living room. My Grandma told me when I was a little boy, someday a man is going to read this verse to you and you are going to give your heart to God. This  man will be sent to you by God.”

The leader asked for forgiveness and gave his heart to Jesus Christ. The rest of the gang said, “We have known about Jesus Christ for a long time. Our leader has never cried before.  This must be real.”

The entire gang gave their hearts to Jesus Christ today. They all called their parents and told them what they did. Their parents welcomed them back  home in Dallas, Texas. They are on their way back home as of this writing. My king gets all the glory and the victory.

As I was writing down the events of the greatness of our God, I had a chance to talk to the Grandma and the Grandpa of the Leader.  The Grandma was so excited. She said, “I know all those boys and I had them in children’s church every Sunday and Wednesday nights. I praise God that they finally gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.”

My king gets all the glory and the victory. Amen.  Before they headed back to Texas, I went with the gang members and talked to their landlord and told him what God did to their hearts. The landlord is a Christian and he prayed with them before they drove to Dallas, Texas.  The house was rented to them last Friday. The Landlord gave them back their rent for the month and gave them their deposit back. It was so powerful. God is amazing.  The parents of the boys are having a big celebration barbecue for all the boys and rejoicing to have them come back home.