Entire Dallas Gang Give Lives for Jesus Christ

Monday morning when I landed in DIA at Denver, I received a phone call from an undercover police officer.  He said, “Sonny a gang moved to Denver last Friday from Dallas Texas. There are 20 of them.”   He then told me where  I would find them.

God said, “Read John 3:16 to them and take them fried chicken.” I went to King Soopers and I picked up 40 pieces of chicken, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. I then filled a cooler full of bottled water. I placed the food into my pickup and headed to the location where they were hanging out. When I pulled up to the gang and climbed out of my pickup, the Leader said, “What do you want?”

I said, “My Boss sent me here to meet you because he said you guys were hungry.”

The leader said, “So, who’s your Boss.”

I said, “His name is Jesus Christ. He told me to bring fried chicken.”

As they started to eat, I prayed out loud to Bless the food. I then read John 3:16 to them.

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

When I finished reading,  three of them came to me and said, “We are ready to accept Jesus Christ.” So the three gang members from Dallas, Texas gave their hearts to Jesus Christ on Monday. God is so faithful. One of them has an Uncle and Aunt that lives in Pueblo, Colorado. They drove to Denver to pick the young men up. The other young men’s parents are coming from Dallas, Texas to take them back to their homes.  We stayed up most of the night Monday talking about the awesomeness of  God. The Uncle and Aunt from Pueblo, Colorado also asked a lot of questions about God. They both gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It was beautiful to see. They all cried and kept hugging me and each other. My king, Jesus Christ, gets all the glory and the victory.

Tuesday was more powerful then Monday. That morning I went again to the park where the Dallas Gang has been hanging out. I parked my pickup in the middle of all their cars and proceeded to get out of my vehicle. The leader said, “What are you going to read to us this morning?”

I said, “My king told me to read Mathew 6:33 to all of you. I brought doughnuts and milk for all of you guys.”

While they were eating, I read Mathew 6:33

33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

The leader started to cry and all the gang members began to surround us. They asked him, “What’s going on?”

The leader said, “That verse hangs up in my Grandma and Grandpa’s living room. My Grandma told me when I was a little boy, someday a man is going to read this verse to you and you are going to give your heart to God. This  man will be sent to you by God.”

The leader asked for forgiveness and gave his heart to Jesus Christ. The rest of the gang said, “We have known about Jesus Christ for a long time. Our leader has never cried before.  This must be real.”

The entire gang gave their hearts to Jesus Christ today. They all called their parents and told them what they did. Their parents welcomed them back  home in Dallas, Texas. They are on their way back home as of this writing. My king gets all the glory and the victory.

As I was writing down the events of the greatness of our God, I had a chance to talk to the Grandma and the Grandpa of the Leader.  The Grandma was so excited. She said, “I know all those boys and I had them in children’s church every Sunday and Wednesday nights. I praise God that they finally gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.”

My king gets all the glory and the victory. Amen.  Before they headed back to Texas, I went with the gang members and talked to their landlord and told him what God did to their hearts. The landlord is a Christian and he prayed with them before they drove to Dallas, Texas.  The house was rented to them last Friday. The Landlord gave them back their rent for the month and gave them their deposit back. It was so powerful. God is amazing.  The parents of the boys are having a big celebration barbecue for all the boys and rejoicing to have them come back home.