Colorado Patrolman Stops Me for Prayer

On Sunday morning I left Denver after a night of witnessing. As I was driving down I-25, I came near the 7-Eleven that I frequent quite often. God said, “Sonny, stop and get a large coffee.” So I stopped and ordered a large coffee. The guy who runs the 7-11 gave me a puzzled look. He exclaimed, “Sunny you’re getting a black coffee! Sonny, you never order a coffee.  I always see you get a Coke.”

I said, “God told me to stop and get a large coffee for someone who needs prayer. He never told me who the coffee was for. But I am doing what God asked me to do.”

The guy said, “The coffee is on the house. Here is a coke for no charge for your obedience.” Before I left, he came over and prayed over me for a safe journey.

I continued back on my journey to go to church in Windsor. Approximately 25 minutes later a highway patrolman was behind me with his flashing lights on. I had my cruise control set to 75 so I did not think I was breaking any laws.  The Holy Spirit said, “Sonny, he needs prayer.” After I pulled off the interstate, the patrolman came up to my window and said, “Sonny I need you to pray for me.” This does happened frequently where I have been pulled over by highway patrolmen because they know that I love to pray for them and I love these guys. The patrolman said, “I talked to my Captain and asked for permission to talk to you because I wanted you to pray for me. He said go ahead. You can pull him over to let him pray for you.” You may be asking why or how they know who I am. With technology and the fact that I’ve been praying for these guys for some time, they recognize the vehicle that I drive. It is a honor to pray for these men.

The patrolman asked, “Sonny, is it okay if I sit in your vehicle with you.”

I said, “Sure you’re welcome to do so.”

He went over to the passenger side of my pickup and climbed in and sat down on the seat. As he closed the door of my pickup he noticed my cup of coffee sitting in the cup holder. The patrolman said, “Boy, that coffee sure looks good.”

I said, “God told me to buy it for you.” Of course up to this time, I really didn’t know who it was for but now I do. We started to pray. This patrolman was really hurting. He poured out his heart to God the things he wanted to change and improve for 45 minutes. After we were done praying, he walked back to his patrol car a renewed and changed man. After he left, I headed back to Windsor to go to church thinking about what God will do with the life of this patrolman. I am sure it will be amazing.

When God is present there is safety and comfort. Patrolmen feel safe being around me only because the Holy Spirit can give this security to these men. I can only do what Spirit tells me to do. This verse is for our highway patrolman who do dangerous work to “Protect and Serve”.

Psalm 140:4 New International Version (NIV)

Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked;
    protect me from the violent,
    who devise ways to trip my feet.